Monday 8 June 2020

Exciting news !!

Good morning beautiful people, I hope this finds you all well.  Not too much news from our side this week on the domestic front apart from the usual. I did a mass of  washing as the weather predicted for this week is going to be fantastic for everything except getting washing dry.  We are in for gales in excess of 100kph, much rain, lots of very cold temps and apparently a good amount of snow across the country, with that in mind on Saturday all the dogs were bathed, apart from the fact they really needed it, all throws, dog towels and bedding was washed to stay ahead of the cold front.  It is such fun bathing Charlie as he goes in looking like a dirty perm and comes out looking like a white Pom Pom hehehe, the little hooligan has discovered the joy of digging holes 🤦🏻‍♀️🐩.

This week sees our beautiful Princess turn 17 ......... can you believe it? I truly feel like she just grew up overnight,  she will always be my 'little' princess.  Yep the big day is on Friday and I sooo wish we could be there to celebrate with her, I remember as if it were yesterday the moment they put her into my arms a few minutes after she was born - there was this huge dimple and gorgeous eyes looking up at me #nostalgia.  To Poppet I have to doff my cap and say "well done my love, you have raised an incredible young lady, who is a true testimony to your love and  mothering over the last 17 years".  Happy Birthday my Angel. 

Great news just in, hot off the press is ............. BabyBear is moving back home to CT after 18 long months of being based in Johannesburg for her job.   A good thing to come from CoVid19 is that it has shown her company that she is just as able to do her job from CT as from Jhb.  Welcome home BabyBear.  There will still be travel involved but at least her home base is with her husband and not 1500 Kim's away.  You guys really handled this season well, with grace and faith and I truly believe God is  honouring that commitment, now it is your season.  Please keep them in your prayers as they travel (with the necessary Affidavit) to Jhb on Friday to pack up the townhouse and, then see all the family in Johannesburg, Vanderbijl Park, Bloemfontein AND US on the way home.  Whoop whoop I am so excited I have no words, it feels like forever since we've seen them and it is going to be the treat of treats to see them.  Big Guy, Poppet and Princess enjoy your time with them and please all have a special group hug from me.  I love and miss you all beyond words 💕

One of the biggest challenges we have had this past week is with the mice who insist on drinking the sugar water for the birds.  Apart from the fact I'm worried they will all become diabetic, they scare the birds away and, Jelly Bean has a very real phobia with mice and rats so, seeing them up on the pole drinking water every time she comes into the room has caused a lot of anxiety.  Hubby tried a couple of amendments to the feeder, but these little blighters are relentless and always seemed to find a way up. Then on Saturday he tried our latest idea (see pic below) which so far appears to be working and causing a lot of confusion for the mice, so here is holding thumbs that they will relocate to places anywhere else.

Folks, apart from all the above, it was not a quiet week but then, those are very rare.  I am looking forward to the rain and cold which is on its way and plan to do some quick baking of rusks - I swear that tin has a huge hole in it  👀🍪, and hopefully I can fit in some Biscotti as well.  I have a niggling feeling that I also need to make each of the dogs a second jacket hmmmmmmm, I'll see.

Whatever you do, wherever you go this week please stay masked, distanced, sanitized, well and healthy.  With love from BB to you and yours Ciao Ciao. 

Beautiful Zeepha 

High tower bird feeder.

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