Monday 1 June 2020

Change is good.

Wow it's the 1st of June and I am still trying to figure out what happened to March, April and May.  Good morning everybody, congratulations we have all made it thus far.  This will surely go down as one of the weirdest, most confusing years of our lifetime.  As of today South Africa enters Level 3 of CoVid19 lockdown, with the very imminent possibility of 'any' area being pushed back to a higher Level if and when needed.  Today does bring about the chance though, for everyone to re-stock their personal liquor stocks, which I am guessing is of great excitement to many hehe. Certain Grades of schooling were supposed to start back today in a staggered approach, but it was announced yesterday that all those plans are on hold, so apart from purchasing Liquor, all retail and wholesale shops being opened, the evening curfew has been lifted and we can now exercise at any time of the day.  However no interstate traveling or even inter-municipal district  travel for that matter is allowed.  I have now reached the point that I am not reading or listening to the never ending updates and news being put out, I am however, looking forward to taking Charlie for a walk at long last.

We had a fabulous week weather wise, mostly gale force winds and some fairly decent rains which saw us at long last dig into our winter wardrobe, yaaaay.  It amazes me how the wind always sounds stronger at night and then how used to the noise one becomes.  It was only at lunchtime on Thursday I think, that I realized how quiet the world had become, the wind had dropped and all of a sudden I became aware of the bird calls, the waves and ....... silence.

It was a a fairly busy week for me in catching up with household and domestic chores and necessities.  On Friday we were up before the sun in order for me to get to the Pharmacy Sister for my annual blood tests early, they are fasting tests.  It was cold, half dark and raining but I presented myself at the appropriate time whilst Hubby dear went ahead and did the weekly shop.  Once in the Sister's room, sleeve rolled up and feeling as nauseous as could be, she read the list and then went "ohhhh", not a good sound to me.  It would appear that two extra tests were called for which needed to be put into a centrifuge within the hour. Grrrrrr all that effort and build up and I had do do it all over again today, twelve vials later..... I shall say no more 🤐🤐.  All this in the effort of trying to carry on life as it used to be but with a lot of differences and resultant issues, also due to the travel restrictions I will be having a telephonic/virtual consultation with my Dr, such fun !!!!

I have steadily been working on the bedroom makeover, we recovered our headboard on Saturday, which left me with a decision as to what to cover the cushions with.  Thank goodness for Jelly Bean, she looked, she thought and then she said "keep it white ".  perfect,  it has given me that missing element because I have brought in some 'old chic' with  pillow slips from an old duvet set.   Now Hubby dearest just needs to frame my picture and we are almost done.  What got added to the make-over list yesterday was our bathroom.  My bright eyed Husband saw an add on the local buy and sell Group for a gorgeous wooden possibly oak)  bathroom cabinet and wooden fittings.  Hmmmmm that got me thinking.  Our bathroom has dark slate tiles on the floor and in the shower, then a panel behind the basin, three dark tiles wide, floor to ceiling.  A bit of Googling and we have decided that I will paint those tiles, behind the basin, either white or light grey.  
This very talented husband of mine also put the last IBR  sheet in place on Saturday so now, the next step is the facias and closing in the sides directly below the roof with glass.  Our deck is starting to look extremely smart and is going to be THE most amazing space.

The family are all good and from what I hear all extremely busy, it seems as if it is heads down and don't stop for all of them, which is fabulous given the times we are in.  Princess had her first session with the Bio-kinetisist on Friday for her shoulder. Miss Muffet and her family all seem to be enjoying their coming summer and the sunny, longer days and their  garden is looking like a show piece. 

Well folks, I think that about covers my week, who knows what this coming one has in store for us, one thing I am assured of, is it will not be dull, I haven't even shared the latest shenanigans of the pets on today's Blog hehe.  Have a wonderful week and pleas stay safe and stay masked.  Ciao ciao .

The deck as it is now.

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