Monday 3 February 2020

Heat and Loadshedding

Good morning everyone on this very hot, still and humid Monday.  Being a little 'slow' I did not factor in the loadshdding that started at 10 am #facepalm, so I have joined the heights of technical brilliance  and am doing this using my mobile phone as a hotspot, which is a first.  As well as the fact that I am waiting for my new reading glasses!  today's Blog is going to be shorter than normal.

Another busy week behind us as we finally finished the new couch, such a mission but it is a blessing.  Apart from a small alteration that I thought about this morning at 4.30  and making a throw to fit it, it is now complete.  Great fun was had by my dear Hubby and I on Wednesday as we bent over the bath mixing foam chips and filler for the back cushions, that was until I bent over wrong and managed to put my back out, ouch !!!    That kind of kept me quiet for the next couple of days as movement was quite restricted, as well as the fact that on Thursday night as I climbed into bed Jasper decided it was 'eat mom' time and attacked my arm leaving me with nasty bites and deep scratches, sometimes it just gets too much and I was literally on the verge of tears.  Be that as it may I am fine, treated the bites which had gone a bit nasty and on Saturday I popped into the Clinic Sister at our pharmacy and she gave me a Voltaren jab, the difference is amazing, my back is 98% better, the bites are healing and I am being super cautious around my temperamental cat.  It remains a mystery why he does it, because although he is known to bite if annoyed I am the only one that he attacks out of the blue and with a vengeance..

Due to our caravan freezer being off for those three days and everything going bad, Hubby is going to replace the floor of the caravan as there is still a slight smell and we are wanting to sell it as soon as we can.  As we said to each other last week, the 'things' just keep piling up and even though we /he works steadily down the list it never seems to get any shorter hehe.

Currently we are having somewhat of a heatwave, there is not a breath of air and the Christmas beetles and a dove are the only sounds I can hear, there is a mist covering the sea and most of the mountains.  There is truly no better or more beautiful place to live, even with the heat, which thankfully down here is short lived.

I had a call from the Poodle Rescue lady to tell me that I am 'next' on the list for a Toy Poodle rescue and am waiting to hear from her today or tomorrow as to when she will be coming through to meet us and do a home visit,  it is all very exciting.  We had a couple of incidents with Max getting out this past week and saw the distress that it causes Sasha, she goes into a total melt down, and have now realized that by getting my Poodle rescue sooner rather than later it will help Sasha to bond with it to some degree so that when Maxi is no longer here she will hopefully not be quite so stressed.

Folks as I said a shorter catch up this week, I wish you and yours a wonderful week, please stay safe and make the most of every day, remember, tomorrow is never guaranteed, it is a gift, never miss an opportunity to tell those you treasure that you love them or to be kind to a stranger, you never know what they may be going through.  Ciao ciao 

Little Zeepha say for more that half an hour watching The Star on the tv.


Unknown said...

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about three years ago. I had all the textbook symptoms and followed all the medical advice,including antidepressants and pain pills.Nothing helped. I'm currently taking BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE FIBROMYALGIA HERBAL REMEDY. Also I bought an elliptical exerciser and the work on it is fun and it helps.

My Life's Winding Roads said...

Hi, my deepest apologies for not replying to you sooner. Not being a techno buff there was an unticked box which did not permit comments to come through. I am so glad to hear that you have found something which is helping your Fibromyalgia and I hope you are still reaping the benefits from it.

Stay safe and stay well.