Monday 17 February 2020

A productive week

Good morning all you wonderful people, I hope you are all well rested and ready to tackle this week head on.  It seems that so much happens in the course of a week that sometimes I lose track of the days.  Yesterday we had our first real northerly gale wind blowing which was quite something, the frustration was that it was too strong to be outside or open any windows but equally hot inside.  Our area is under a High (Red) Fire alert at the moment with everything being dry and the wind so strong.  At 4 am in the morning a house burnt down, thankfully no one was injured but four cars and the house were destroyed.  The authorities do not know how it started, there are a few rumours  doing the rounds but I am sure we will find out in a couple of days what exactly happened, it was full of weekenders, so I should think a big shock for them as well as the owners.

The family are all doing well - Big Guy is loving his job and doing very well (he would like to be able to teleport to work and back though), Poppet and Princess likewise are super busy and thriving.  BigBear and BabyBear were able to spend the weekend together so I know they are happy and ready for the new week. Miss Muffet and family went ice skating on Saturday which looked like great fun, that was something I tried as a teenager and was hopeless at, I spent more time on my behind than on my feet.   Back here at the 'zoo' its been really hectic but, I achieved all I set out to do last week and Hubby is half way through painting the bedroom ceiling, it was knotty pine and now in the process of becoming white yaaaay.
I sewed and sewed and sewed but eventually managed to make arm rest covers for all the couches before setting my mind and energy to wrestling with 2 x 3 m x 150 cm wide into a throw for the 'new' couch.  Gee whiz that was fun......... so much material I wasn't even sure I would be able to get it all through the sewing machine.  I must admit that it is a bit big, no surprise haha, but it does cover all that needs to be covered.  Whilst I was working with the material - Mongolian fleece I could just imagine what it would be like to make that up into full length cape with a lined hoodie attached, similar to Little Red Riding Hood's one, it would be sheer bliss, so soft and furry and luxurious ..... oh one can dream.  I now just have to find the right fabric to make cushion covers all round, and also recover our headboard,  although I might wait a couple of weeks before starting that project.  

Yesterday whilst we were sitting reading in the lounge a huge pigeon flew in through the deck doors, which caused a great stir with the cats.  He flew around a few times before flying straight out again, a tad wiser than the sugar birds who stay inside for hours, but when he left the two cats were sitting looking completely stunned as if to say " what on earth just happened?"   It always amazes me to watch the birds trying to land on the fence to drink, in the gale force winds, poor little things try so hard and either end up staying the in the same spot or being blown backwards in the wrong direction. Speaking about the wildlife, on Friday Jelly Bean and I saw a mongoose in the garden for the first time in about 2 years, it is so exciting to see in your own backyard. Then on the way into Somerset West on Friday she and I both saw a fin in the water whether it was a shark or dolphin we don't know but it caused much squealing from the both of us hehe.

This week I want to try out a new bread recipe, if it isn't a success I will post the recipe onto the Recipe page for you all to try.  With all the load shedding taking place at the moment I am keeping today's Blog short, I pray you all have a good week and please take a few minutes to share and spread some kindness and love around to those you come in contact with, you will never know what they are facing in their private lives.  Ciao ciao for now, please stay safe and always aware of your surroundings.

Silversands Beach. 

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