Monday 2 September 2019

Spring? Nope not yet

A bright happy morning to you all, I can't in all honesty say that we are having spring weather yet, in fact it has been quite the opposite.  We were talking yesterday and saying that this is the first 'normal'  Cape winter we've had since we moved down three years ago,last week was positively Arctic. #

Today for some reason I am really struggling to get my body into gear, more than likely all the busyness and gallivanting hehe.  It feels as if every move I make I am doing so through treacle, it is definitely not going to be a 'get a lot accomplished' kind of day. Life has been fairly hectic, but all in all everyone is doing well and as expected very busy.  Last week was interesting, I had the most marvelous birthday treat by a precious friend - her, Jelly Bean and I spent a wonderful morning at the Arabella  Estate Hotel, sitting in front of the fire having coffee and the most delicious cheesecake I think I've ever eaten, we caught up on all our news and just generally a wonderful, relaxed morning in Five Star surroundings.  Thank you my friend for the special treat.  We also had a visit from friends of friends who have just moved down to BB from Cradock it was wonderful getting to know them and I am looking forward to future visits.  Hubby has been really busy with clocks, watches, a big order to make box frames to display art and, helping someone who is working on his car engine, as always a very busy chap is my very dear Hubby.  As I mentioned last week it is birthday season in our family and with BabyBear being home for a week or so we took advantage of it and all met up yesterday for brunch to celebrate both of their birthdays, again a wonderful catch up time and great food.  

I don't know whether it is the same in the rest of the country but the Western Cape really is promoting healthy eating and this can been seen in so many of the restaurants we go to.  Where the options are definitely more artisanal and natural as opposed to the regular meat / chips / rice type of menus.  This is something of great interest to me because just over two years ago I cut red meat out of my diet along with most fried foods, margarine and sugars, I use olive oil where I can, butter, lots of legumes and pulses, artisanal sourdough bread etc. Don't misunderstand me, I still enjoy a good plate of chips or potato wedges every now and then as a treat, but I am talking of my general day to day eating.  The effect this has had on my body has been amazing, when I go for my annual blood tests all my cholesterol, glucose, insulin and similar levels are exactly where they should be. It has been an interesting challenge learning to cook differently but dishes can be equally delicious, if not more so.  Perhaps I should put up a couple of main meal recipes that I use hmmmmm.

Folks, as you may have noticed, I've been updating my pages above and from what I can see those of you who subscribe to this Blog through email will get an email every time I add something.  I updated the Fibromyalgia page which is something I've wanted to address for the longest time but,  knowing that it does apply or is not of interest to the majority I decided to have all Fibro related posts on their own page.  

I pray you all have a wonderful week, may your stress be less, your strength renewed and may you be blessed as you go about your days, be safe out there.  Ciao ciao for now 

One of the pics I took from the deck of Arabella Estate Hotel looking out over the lagoon towards the lagoon mouth with Fisherhaven on the opposite shore.

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