Monday 16 September 2019

Busy, busy, busy.

Good morning folks from a bright and breezy Betty's Bay, we are still enjoying mild weather, thank goodness and looking forward to a busy two weeks as Big Guy arrives tomorrow until Sunday and then next Monday Poppet and Princess will be arriving for a work/holiday.  Needless to say that our house has been under somewhat of an onslaught making everything ready, it feels and has been simply an age since we saw them, I am soooo excited.

We had a fairly busy week with Hubby finishing and delivering a large order of art display boxes, finishing off one clock, which proved rather temperamental and creating parts for an antique watch he is working with.    After nine months I am quite happy to say that now when I do my nails, it no longer takes the entire day and  now I am down to two hours, still room for some improvement on the time but I am getting there, at least now I have them the way I want and don't have to pay to have them done.  We did have a really strange thing happen, in the two and a half years we have been feeding the sugar birds, sun birds, mouse birds, white eyes, bul buls, weavers to name the regulars, we have never for one moment had a problem with bees.  All of a sudden last week when I looked out we had a mass 'bee suicide' event going on, for some unknown reason they were around the feeder in droves and not content with just drinking, they were actually going into the bottle and drowning.  We have not changed the recipe or any thing else and when I asked the local community group a few people said that they have had similar experiences in the past.  We removed the bottle, very carefully, and did not replace it for three days, when we refilled it again we just put in plain boiled water which the birds were not impressed with and then on Saturday replaced it with a weaker sugar solution, there were a few bees but none that stayed so yesterday we went full strength and all is still normal ????? One of those mysteries which I will never know the answer to, what was very interesting to us all is that the birds are very scared of bees.  Whilst the bees were around there was not a bird to be seen and when the few that came out on Saturday appeared the birds actually reversed away from them and flew away.

Well folks I still have a mountain of things to get done and shall be saying goodbye for this week, don't forget to check out the Hints and Tips page as I am going to add a tip or two that I discovered purely by mistake and that work wonderfully.  I pray you all have a blessed week and please stay safe wherever you are.  Ciao Ciao for now.

Bee Suicide, so sad. 

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