Monday 30 September 2019

Family time, bees and penguins

Good morning friends and family from a very quiet, happily cool BB.  Gee what a busy two weeks we have had, but the most wonderful two weeks.  Last week while Big Guy was busy jetting off to Thailand we had Poppet and Princess here for a visit, even though Poppet had to work we had the most fabulous time together.  We caught up on all the news, gossip, drama and just generally had a really good time together.  Its not often I get time with all my side of the family almost in such a short space of time, my 'mom' batteries are all fully charged.   Big Guy is having a ball on his holiday and tantalizing us with all the beautiful photos he is taking, enjoy your very moment son.  BigBear and BabyBear are going flat out in preparation of their overseas holiday next week, the family are all busy and happy.

Wouldn't you know it ? No sooner had I posted that the bee invasion was over, when I looked out and lo and behold  there they were grrrrr.  We did some extra reading up and have started off with pinching the spout of the the water bottle (in the middle) so that they can't actually get into the bottle. This seems to be working, so far, they still come around, but not in huge numbers and the birds are getting braver and chase them away.  The ongoing bee saga ..........    On Friday afternoon when Poppet had finished working we went to the restaurant at Stony Point, which is the big penguin colony in Betty's Bay, it is estimated that there are approximately 3 600 penguins currently and growing in number, which is quite an increase from the original 2 penguins in 1985.   Sadly the restaurant proved to be a huge disappointment but the view was great and Princess was able to take some gorgeous photos.  Jelly Bean had gone on ahead to the car and by the time we got there she was in 'deep communication' with one of the Penguins who likes to take charge of the car park, she named him Percy and he is really cute.

This week is going to be a quiet one and I intend to do some catch up baking and generally taking it easy.  This weekend was womderfully cold and we had rain the whole of yesterday, I must confess that I slept a lot which is totally unlike me, I never sleep during the day.  I have found myself in a bad Fibro Flare but am finally learning when to rest and take time out.  Whoop whoop.

Folks apart from all the family news that's it for this week, I wish you all a good week, be kind to yourselves and please stay safe.  Ciao Ciao .

'Percy at Stoney Point Penguin Colony'

 A penguin and a dassie sharing some sun.

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