Monday 10 June 2019

Gales, rain and Afghans

Greeting folks on this lovely Monday morning, I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for the week ahead.  We had a super quiet weekend, mostly dictated by the weather lol. Last week was really cold and we had a fair amount of rain.   Friday blew a very brisk gale and was really cold, Saturday was lovely and sunny but not hot and then yesterday we woke up to a gale force HOT berg wind, which called for short sleeves and definitely keeping all the windows closed.  Crazy weather for sure, today is cold and windy.

We had a very quiet week in terms of going out but as always, there is a never ending list of things to be done around the house.  I have spent quite a lot of time doing embroidery and have picked up an Afghan throw that I am crocheting.  I started 2 years ago by knitting it and then last year took all the squares apart and re-started in crochet.  Now I am whizzing along but need to lay them all out and see how many I am going to need to do in total.  When I asked my Hubby last night to try and work out how many he came back with 600 squares, that was enough to almost cause me to give up altogether haha. it has evolved somewhat and I am quite happy with it so far, as long as it does not take 600 squares.

We have indulged in watching a lot of the Cricket World Cup which has been good fun, not that South Africa has won anything as yet.  Miss Muffet and her family are all at the match today between South Africa and the West Indies, hopefully it won't be rained out.  Ever since we moved down to BB watching sport has been almost impossible (we don't have DSTV) but my clever Hubby has found channels where we can watch and have a really good picture as well.  He is currently busy with an extremely old clock that came in for repairs and this morning had another one dropped off because it stopped ticking.  Family wise this week is a very important one for Princess as she celebrates her 16th birthday, it feels like yesterday when I held her in my arms just moments after she was born, I can't believe how fast the time has gone and just wish we were there to celebrate with her.  That is the only downside to having retired down to the coast.  Zeepha is doing so well and is still just as lovable as she was after her surgery, on Saturday Hubby and I played doctor and removed her stitches without any problems, so that is now well and truly behind us now thank the Lord.

Folks as I said it has been quiet but this week is already filling up rapidly.  I am going to sign off for now and wish you, one and all, a wonderful week.  Stay safe and warm out there and take time to tell your loved ones how important they are ciao ciao for now.

Our beautiful mountain which is recovering from the fires, with waterfalls flowing after the rains last week.

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