Monday 17 June 2019

Breaking with the pattern

Good morning all, isn't it just typical that the moment I mention how every Monday has been wet and cold, today we woke up to a cloudless sky and bright winter sunshine haha.
As today is a Public Holiday in South Africa we are having a slow start and not planning much.  I want to make some marmalade as my precious Hubby bought me a large bag of lemons and also re-pot a plant which I've been meaning to do for absolutely ages.  

Last week was quite busy with one thing and another.  The most important event was Princess's 16 th Birthday.  I cant believe at how fast time has flown especially since we moved down here.  It was a day that she has looked forward to since she turned 15 and ended up just passing in a blur of busyness for her, she had two exams, hockey and then netball which only put them home well after 8pm.  Shame I think it was a bit of an anti-climax but she certainly got to make up for it on Friday.  School was finished for the term and Princess a celebratory lunch with some of her friends at a Mexican restaurant and then in the evening Poppet had organised a lovely dinner for her with their close friends and the BIG surprise was when BigBear and BabyBear arrived.  For me it was a bittersweet week, on the one hand being so proud of the elegant, confident young woman she has become and on the other just a deep sadness that we could not be there to celebrate with her.  The only downside to our retirement is in missing the family.  We had a little excitement of our own when on Monday evening we were in the lounge and heard this really odd sound, almost like a plop and then a sizzle.  After looking all around we looked up and lo and behold one of the three hanging lights had burnt out.  Not a problem you think - on the contrary, these lights hang down but are still about 3.5m high, added to which the actual globe is enormous, bigger than an iPad  (see pic below) and expensive LOL.  The only way to reach it was to put the big ladder on top of the dining room table and with me holding the ladder Hubby gingerly climbed up to get our problematic bulb and then again to replace it. So precarious did it look that Jelly Bean was watching from BEHIND her bedroom door, I'm not sure what she thought would happen hehe.
We made a trip into Hermanus which as always was extremely busy as we tend to 'store' errands and then when going into town it is with a long list and usually a lot of different stops, last week was no exception, we were here, there and EVERYwhere.  We also combined our trip with a short visit to our BB friends who now live on the other side of Kleinmond, a busy day indeed.
Unfortunately one of the backlashes for me after a day like that is a physical crash.  My ever patient Hubby had to go into Somerset West the following day to collect parts he had made for the clock he is restoring which he combined with grocery shopping, finding a new bulb. and a visit to his friend for coffee.  During the week I managed to get quite a few Afgan squares finished and also got myself a Tunisian crochet hook which gives. me a whole new range of stitches I can add, very interesting to do I must say.
One of the current challenges we have is that Jasper has been 'over grooming' and his glorious long coat is now short, I've read that is normally stress related and he has always been what we call a scaredy cat, he will jump at the slightest noise.  Now I have to figure out a way to get him calmer and started by giving him Calm Eeze which definitely relaxes him a little, that ran out last night and this morning I gave him some rescue drops.  I think the only way to physically stop him is to put a cone over his head but am quite sure it will only exacerbate his stress.  Last night when I came through to fetch him for bed he rolled over onto his back and I picked him up, holding him like a baby and then for absolutely no reason he bit my hand and would not let go.  Needless to say he slept in the lounge and I went to doctor a very deep, blue bite.  Joy of joys.

Well folks that's me for today,  I won't rest until the marmalade and pot plant have been done, so it's time to get going.  I wish you all a fabulous week, for those here in SA enjoy your day off and hopefully the short week will go quickly.  With love and wishes from us here in BB ciao ciao, please stay safe out there,  especially  those of you on the roads today.

Light bulb gymnastics, not for the faint hearted

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