Monday 12 November 2018

The mist is making everything so still and quiet.

Good morning all from an unusually quiet, mist covered Bettys Bay, I can even hear the flap of birds wings as they fly overhead, not even the sea seems to be moving.  After an uneventful week we are looking forward to what the next seven days  have in store for us.  With only a few weeks before the family start arriving for the Christmas holidays so there is much to be done i.e. washing curtains etc, if the weather holds that should be a breeze.

We have decided to do something different this year for Christmas given the size of the family, the cost for everyone having to fly down AND the fact that this will be the first time in about four years that we will all be together (except Miss Muffets family) on Christmas Day.  What we have done is a name draw, where each peraon drew a name and with a set amount for all, will buy just one present for their drawn name, it pormises to be interesting.  As you can imagine I am SUPER excited and there will be lots of baking ahead.  Christmas cakes and this year I want to try my hand at making my own Mince Pies hmmm.

Today is the first day in two weeks that I have woken up without a piercing headache thank the Lord, just the 'normal' pains, what a relief.  The family are all well and as usual really busy with the pace they all keep.  Princess is in the middle of writing her year end exams so please keep her in your prayers, she has four big exams this week.

Last week Jasper decided that I was completely invisible, after three weeks of being my best friend, a moodier cat I have yet to meet, happily since yesterday he is back to being his friendly self whereas Gemma seems to be 'losing the plot' as she will now growl at an empty room #facepalm.  She has taken to sitting outside Jelly Beans's bedroom and meowing with increasing volume until she is allowed entry, it doesn't always make her popular haha.  I have had some very successful baking results - gorgeous ciabatta breads, buttermilk rusks and chocolate chip muffins, whilst Hubby dearest has a constant stream of broken watches coming in, which keeps him smiling.  Yesterday while we were watching tv we had a little visitor in the form of a swallow,  he flew in and then spent about an hour flying around the room, without any panic before he found his way out again.  Jasper being the brave soul he is, heard the bird and watched for a few minutes before charging out of the window and staying outside for the duration of the visit haha.

Well folks that's my news in a nutshell, I wish you all a fantastic week, filled with blessing and joy.  Please stay safe wherever you are and as always be aware of your surroundings.  Sending love from our family to yours Ciao Caio for now.

Jasper being lazy

Our little swallow visitor

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