Monday 19 November 2018

An interesting week hmmmm

Good morning friends and family, I am guessing that for many, if not all of us the countdown to the Christmas holidays has begun.  I know that in our family it is in full swing and this year Santa has apparently allocated some very busy elves to do all the organizing, which I am very excited about.  Still, there is lots to do on my end and I am busy pacing myself and getting it done bit by bit.

We've had a good week with some interesting moments, as I predicted it was very busy as will this week be. I had it fixed in my brain that somehow last Friday was Black Friday #facepalm, and therefore planned my week accordingly.  We completed the bulk of our Christmas shopping (to avoid Black Friday rush), had doctors visits  and so it went.  We managed everything and on Thursday shot off into town (to avoid the rush) and halfway through all the stops Jelly Bean chirped up that surely Black Friday was only in 8 days ...............  complete silence in the car before her and my dear Hubby collapsed laughing, this is one of those things that I am NEVER going to live down.  I could not believe that even though I knew it was the 23rd I had still branded it for last Friday.  The worst was when Jelly Bean happily chirped up saying "oh well mom, we get to do this all over again next week."  NOT !!!!!!! Bar doing the grocery shopping a day early I am done!  Seriously where are my brains?  The upside is all the big shopping and deadlines are done #doublefacepalm.

Over the last two weeks we have had a few little birds fly into the house and then spend some time, in varying amounts, to find their way out again.  On Saturday we once again heard the rustle of wings and saw a little Sugarbird had come to visit.  He flew around a couple of times and then made a beeline for the open French doors, miscalculated and flew straight into the glass.  The poor little fellow actually knocked himself out cold,  Jasper came to investigate and I rushed up to remove him, not that I think he has the courage to catch a bird, he is scared of his own shadow.  We picked the bird up and he was alive but obviously concussed, so after holding him awhile Hubby put him on a big log we have on the deck and I fed him some sugar water with a teaspoon.  He sat for about half an hour and let us stroke him before flying off to join the rest of his family.  Our 'fly through' bird feeder has a steady stream of quite a large variety of birds, if there is no water they sit on the fence in a row looking into the kitchen as much as to say "hello we are waiting".  This crowd are going through 2 bottles of 500ml sugar water a day but are such a delight to watch.  We even have a mouse that joins them, see pic below.

Well folks, enough from me for this week, I DO know that Black Friday is THIS Friday and will not be anywhere near the shops hahaha, I will spend my time watching the birds and preparing the house for the family's visit.  Wishing you a wonderful week, please stay safe and if I can encourage you, spread some kindness.  This time of year is very difficult for a lot of folks and your kind word, hug, cup of coffee or just a listening ear can make the world of difference to someone.  Ciao ciao for now.

Pics of our bird feeder

Mr Mouse who eats and now drinks with the birds.

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