Monday 2 April 2018

Happy Easter and the start of a new month.

Good afternoon folks, wishing you all a Happy Easter.   I have been sitting here just listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the rocks, the mountain is covered in cloud, we have just had a short rain shower and everything is so quiet and peaceful.  It was quite a normal week for us  building up to a fairly busy weekend.  Autumn has definitely arrived in Betty's Bay much to my delight and the temperatures are far more comfortable, as well as the fact we've had a fair amount of rain so everything is looking green and lush.  It's definitely a bit of a mind stretch for anyone used to living in the summer rainfall areas because autumn and winter there are dry and brown whereas here our summer is dry and the grass dies and then all things come alive as soon as the winter rainfall starts.  

It is still a bit odd for me to not spend the Easter weekend with the family as we have done for more than a decade, but at lease Poppet and Princess were able to escape the city and are down in Natal, along the South Coast with friends of theirs.  Big Guy worked the whole weekend as did Jelly Bean, BigBear and BabyBear had family commitments and the little Master Muffets enjoyed a very chocolatey Easter.  It is these times of the year that make me miss the family even more than normal.  On Friday driving into work with Jelly Bean we had a few fun and games.  It was raining and after awhile my one windscreen wiper started flopping about.  There is no other way to describe it haha, so I stopped, got out and clipped it into the wiper 'arm' and off we went.  This repeated itself five times until we were past the rain, so once in town I tried to sort it out with no success and ended up taking it off altogether and pushing the arm outwards to avoid it scratching the glass.  When I arrived home I walked in carrying the wiper blade and could not help but laugh at the look on my Hubby's face.  He is such a gem and within ten minutes the broken clip was replaced and low and behold the wipers are working properly.  Later my precious Hubby and I popped into the Easter Craft Market here in Betty's Bay to see what there was and enjoyed a pleasant half hour just wandering through the stalls.  Needless to say the very first stall I came to was selling genuine leather bags and totes which held me up just a tad LOL.  It is well known that I have a weakness for leather, especially handbags.  We spent Saturday afternoon with some very dear friends of ours here in BB and just enjoyed sitting out on their deck in the weak sun having delicious cake and coffee.  Yesterday we had friends over and I cooked up a pot of Durban Lamb Curry which if I say so myself was delicious.  Today has been super quiet with me in a flare, the likes of which I haven't had in a long while ....... Ho hum, this too will pass.

Now the the weather is cooling off, all of a sudden Jasper has remembered that laps are warm places to sit and is currently curled up next to me on the seat, whilst CeCe is fast asleep on another chair.  We are discovering more and more that she is going to be a late bloomer haha, this past week she has actually been very calm (for her) and is even starting to establish her own form of routine for the bathroom, she still has a lot of 'misses' but on the whole things are improving slowly day by day. The one thing that does not change with her is that she absolutely adores cuddling, hot or cold, day or night, if she can sleep on my lap she is a happy baby.

Friends, there is not a lot of other news and happily this is another short work week ahead of us.  I wish you all a blessed week, and, for those who will be or are out on the roads traveling home, please stay alert, stop often and get home safely, the extra ten minutes spent going slower are worth it for you and your family to arrive home unharmed.

Our beautiful ocean.

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