Monday 19 March 2018

Good eyes, snakes and birthdays

Good morning folks it's the start of a beautiful week full of new possibilities and opportunities let's make the most of every one of them.  After a lovely weekend we are ready for the next few days ahead.  Well last week was quite epic and not unreasonably busy.  Apart from the normal day to day  shenanigans of living with five animals one of which is blind, I went to the eye surgeon for my post op check up and Praise the Lord my left eye is to quote my surgeon "100% better".  He was extremely happy with the results of the procedure and, because the capsule which the lens sits in is extremely small, he lasered the eye to clear all the opacity there and then as he was worried that it could shrink and thereby move the lens.  So folks for the first time since I was 5 years old I can see perfectly with my left eye,  the right eye is not perfect but as good as it can ever be.  I will be making an appointment with the Optician to test if I need specs for reading but that is all, I never in a million years ever dreamt I would be able to see clearly without glasses.  Thank you to all those who have prayed with and for me.  I should probably add here that I am driving the family crazy with cleaning and scrubbing as I see things I have never seen, yikes sorry guys.

As far as the pets are concerned we had a good week and are progressing steadily with CeCe and toilet training, Gemma and Jasper  have behaved themselves, sort of haha.  The dogs totally lost the plot one morning and on investigation I found they were trying to reach a small tortoise on the other side of the fence, Max will do anything to get out when this happens and after awhile he actually did manage to escape but we found him quick enough.  Oh yes,  one night it was raining when Hubby and Jelly Bean arrived home, as she came up to the door she noticed something on the step .......... a snake   EEEEEK, seriously one of the creepy crawleys I truly can't deal with.  My very brave Hubby managed to remove the little blighter with an umbrella, we think it was a Cape Wolf Snake, this means that every time I am outside I am now on full alert  #face-palm.  Great fun folks ........NOT!!!

On Saturday it was Jelly Beans birthday and thankfully she had the weekend off, we celebrated by going to Vergelegen Wine Estate for lunch with BigBear and BabyBear and friends of ours from BB. What a beautiful venue it is and has become my new 'favourite' spot, there are the most magnificent gardens with walkways as well as beautifully hedged, landscaped herb gardens.  Their food is excellent as is their service.  Our Jelly Bean had a wonderful birthday and was blessed beyond measure with her gifts and the fun wehad,  You are such a blessing to us all Angel and I will always thank God for bringing you into our lives.

Friends I am going to say Ciao for now and get some things done that need attention in the  house, as well as a lot of reading to catch up on.   I wish you a blessed week, please stay alert and as always be safe out there.

Photo taken looking back towards Rooi Els

Our lunchtime view of the Helderberg Mountains on Saturday

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