Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New Year friends and family.

Good morning folks and a Happy New Year to each and every one.  Can you believe we are in 2018?  This is going to 'date' me but I remember as a child hearing the adults talking about the 21st Century and everyone thinking it would never arrive, would be a totally robot controlled environment and just so far away as to be unattainable, and yet here we all are, we are still doing our own chores (no robotic housekeepers #sadface), we still have motor cars even though drones are becoming more popular and life is carrying on as normal.  

There was no late night partying for us, just a quiet evening relaxing with the girls.  We were up at 5.30 am because my Darling Hubby took Poppet to the Airport for her early flight back home.  Gosh the two weeks she had here seems to have passed by in the blink of an eye, it feels like they just arrived.  Princess is still with us for another two weeks and on Saturday evening I received the most wonderful surprise when Big Guy sent a picture of his airline ticket TO US for his TEN days annual leave, it was absolutely the last thing I expected and we are so excited.  He arrives on Thursday morning for a good dose of home, sea, sleep, eat, sleep and rest - woohooo.  The Big and BabyBears fly home tomorrow after their two weeks in Zanzibar which from the pictures we've seen looks to have been a fantastic holiday.

Last week was without a doubt a busy but very pleasant week.  Apart from the normal day to day things we took one day and went to a wine farm called Benguela Cove near Hermanus.  It was such a lovely day and very interesting to learn how the sea breeze affects the outcome of the various wines (which I never knew) and Poppet did a wine tasting which we all tasted as well.  That evening we went to some friends who live up against the mountains here in BB for sundowners and although it
was not the most spectacular sunset it was a wonderful evening, lots of laughter, good music, beautiful view and just one of those evening that was spontaneous and full of fun.

Today has dawned cooler with a prediction for rain (yes please) later and we are planning to do .......nothing.  Just rest (mostly for me) and down time.  For the most part I managed to pace myself fairly well and did not bale out of too many things.  I will admit to being extremely frustrated at times with the fact that I have to plan even silly little things that I used to do without even thinking and not being as active as I used to be, but I thank the Lord daily for my beautiful family who are so understanding and supportive, I love and appreciate you guys.

Folks I hope your day is spent  happily, doing what you love.  This year is a clean slate for us all to put into practise the lessons learned last year,  to be bold enough to take those steps of faith into the unknown and in so doing broaden our horizons, stretch ourselves into new growth and to make 2018 a good year.  It will have its challenges but those are ultimately just stepping stones in our journey through life, how we deal with each challenge and blessing is what will define this year as good or
bad on our calendars.  Have a beautiful day and please be safe wherever you are, I am looking forward to another year of adventures shared with you.

Photos from the Wine Farm (and the gorgeous ducks) and our evening watching the sunset.

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