Monday 8 January 2018

Family, Twilight Market, Birds and Good Food.

Good morning lovely people I hope January is treating you well so far.  We started off knowing it was going to be a busy month and so it has.  Last week after Poppet  flew back we had Princess here and with the weather being good Grandpa was quite happy to take her to the beach, although how this child can spend almost up to an hour in this cold water confounds me.  Our average summer water temperature is around 14c and she goes in without a wet suit and will stay until we call her out.   Big Guy arrived early on Thursday morning and is now unwinding and fighting off a cold/hay fever.  I must  say that both he and Poppet have been such a blessing to me in that they have both cooked some fantastic meals, literally kicking me out of the kitchen, it is not easy to sit and watch my family cooking while not helping but I have very 'bossy' offspring haha.  They have both helped with driving as well so giving Hubby and I some down time, despite which I have been pretty much 'lady down' with high pain levels, hopefully this week will be better.  I had to see the Optician last week as my eyesight seems to have deteriorated in the last two months, I was quite upset when he discovered that although my prescription has barely changed since I had the three surgeries, the Lens Capsule in both eyes,  which is left behind during surgery has become opaque and I now have an appointment to see the Opthalmologist who will have to do Laser 'Surgery' on both eyes grrrrr.

On Friday night we took Big Guy and Princess to the Lourensford Twilight Market sadly miscalculating its popularity.  We arrived less than one hour after they opened and the crowd was unbelievable, it was almost impossible to walk and actually see the various vendors so eventually w decided to get something to eat, which involved queues of 15 - 20 people at every food stand.  All the tables were full and eventually the guys found a spot on the grass outside, we estimated that there were easily upwards of 2000 people there, kids, dogs, prams ...... Crazy.  After eating we did not even bother trying to find something to drink, we left and had drinks at the Mall before fetching Jelly Bean.

On Saturday my clever Hubby made and installed a Nectar Feeder for the sunbirds in the area, we
have a lot of birds here but seldom see Sunbirds.  That has now changed and as I type this there are 13 different birds sitting on the fence waiting (not patiently) for their turn to drink.  Yesterday the bottle was empty and one little bird flew at the window to let me know they were waiting, such a small thing and it brings us so much joy.  We have set my camera up on the tripod and are getting some really beautiful pictures, see below.  The next thing on Hubby's to do list is to build an Owl box to attract and hopefully have them breeding from.

Folks as I have to take Princess into town so that she can spend some of her Christmas vouchers, I will now end off for this week.  For those of you who are back at work, turn the challenges into victories and don't forget spread some kindness, for  those still on holiday please enjoy your week and to all stay safe.

Some of the Sunbirds we have feeding, mostly Cape Sunbirds, Cape Sugarbirds and some exquisite Double Collared Southern Sunbird

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