Monday 25 September 2017

Loving the sound of the rain.

Good afternoon folks, I sit typing this Blog to the sound of rain pouring down on the roof which is just about one of the best sounds in the world, apart from the fact that we are in a severe drought and every drop is precious. It is also the last day of a long weekend which means that there are very heavy traffic flows on all roads, it took Jelly Bean and I one hour twenty minutes to get her into work, a trip which usually takes an hour max, why you may ask ? Because there are protests on the main highway in and out of the Somerset West which means that ALL traffic is being re-routed through the suburbs. Oh for peace in this country.

I am really pleased that we are starting a new week as last week was somewhat challenging for me. Last Monday evening we noticed that there were a couple of puddles of water in the kitchen, not perturbed my precious Hubby took some kitchen towels and put them down to start mop up, I saw him do this and still commented to Jelly Bean that the paper towel became the same colour as the floor when it's wet, then promptly turned around and walked across the room and ....... fell flat on the ground on my hip and hand. Thankfully nothing broken for which I am eternally grateful, just bruises and I must have sprained my wrist. This resulted in me not being very mobile and quite restricted in what I could do one handed. Happily I am now much more functional and healing although adding the Fibro into the mix hasn't been much fun, the joys of growing older. Oh and the cause of the pools of water ? Our dear, sweet, intelligent dogs not asking to go out and thinking they would melt in the rain.

Our little Princess again 'cleaned up' at the last athletic event for the season which was an Inter School involving twenty four schools. She won Gold for High Jump, Sprints, Relay and Hurdles and Silver for Shotput. Well done Angel you are indeed a true star and our pride and joy is without measure. You are going to need a very big rack to hang all these medals on, perhaps we should have a chat with Grandpa and see how we can fix that?

The rest of the family are all well, although I am convinced that I raised a tribe of workaholics, December is coming guys and with it so are the holidays and hopefully lots of rest and relaxing for all. I look around me and see I see just how tough this year has been for so many people, tough in so many ways and it seems like this is the trend just about all over the world. All I can do is to encourage those of you who are stressed, scared, unwell, having troubles at work or within your families, please don't give up. One of the scriptures that has enabled me to keep going through times of extreme stress and problems is JEREMIAH 29 v 11 God's promise to each one of us "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." There were days, weeks, months, years where I had that scripture written out and I would keep quoting it out aloud rather be than meditating on the actual problems which never helped anyway. Does speaking it out aloud make it 'magical' and everything goes away? No, BUT, it does take your concentration off the problem/challenge and helps one to focus on hope and solutions. It doesn't happen overnight no matter how much we want it to, BUT the tough times don't last forever either and if we put our trust in God, and despite everything that I have survived, He never fails or disappoints. In our family especially amongst the girls, we have two sayings - 'Go out there and fluff that tutu girl' and/or 'Put your big girl panties on and face the day.' They may sound silly but they help us to refocus away from the problem as well as make us laugh. Perhaps you are challenge free at the moment, but I can guarantee you know of someone who is going through a hard time, please reach out to those people with love. Whether it's a cup of coffee, a visit or phone call, pick a flower, a small gift or even groceries or fuel for their vehicle, that is what we are here on this planet for, to minister to others and show them love and acceptance.

Folks that is all for this week, please wherever you are stay safe and always be alert to your surroundings, especially avoid the puddles of water haha. If there is something you would like me to pray for please just send me a message or comment (these are not published unless I make them visible) and I will gladly hold you up in prayer.

JER 29 v 11

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