Monday 24 July 2017

From a calm Bettys Bay.

It's a glorious Monday, blue skies calm seas, what more could a girl ask for ? Greetings friends I hope this week treats you well as we see July come to an end. After all the storms and gale force winds it seems that our world is super quiet and calm, not to say a few degrees warmer, although having said that Bettys Bay has been very quiet for a week for whatever reason, I can already hear someone saying just how much quieter can it get ? By quiet I mean even the Community Groups have been quiet, no dramas, no disasters just normal life.

As Jelly Bean had a fairly quiet week work wise we had a fairly quiet week as well, although 'we' is a broad statement, I was not well (for a change) not sure if it was a tummy bug or a Fibro flare or a mix of both but my precious Hubby put up with scanty meals and doing most of the driving, thank you my Love for your endless patience and love. On Thursday evening we went in together and did our shopping and other errands before parking at the beach to watch the sunset, every day it is different and always beautiful. The highlight though was watching the Huskies. We have seen glimpses of them previously but were unaware what they were doing, after a little investigation and being nosey and I discovered that there is a group down here called Mush It Up, they work with Huskie Rescue, Rehab and Adoption / Re-homing, Sledding Gear etc, they also offer a specialized service that exercises Huskies in and around the South Peninsula Beaches in Cape Town. All the Huskies and owners gather on the beach and the dogs are then put into their harnesses and attached to the sled, it looks exactly the same as snow sledding except that they run along the beach. It was fascinating to watch the group of dogs as they arrived with lots of barking and rising excitement levels. When they are all harnessed they run alongside the trainer and pull the sled plus it's occupant along the length of the beach, you can see that the dogs absolutely adore this time, they are in their element. When the session is over all are treated to a big bowl of fresh water and a treat before going home with their owners tired and contented. It was so much fun to watch that the time simply flew by.

Miss Muffett and the boys leave London tonight for their visit, Mr Poppet will be following in a few days, so much organizing and preparation taking place to have things ready for them when they get to visit with us next week. This time last year I was busy packing boxes and feeling the pressure of the move coming up, now I am still fiddling with those same boxes looking for this or that, the only change is today we started re-labeling them to make things easier for searching hehe.

I had some special chats last week with our little Princess as she experimented in the kitchen, this girl has some serious talent so being the 'smart' Granny that I am, I suggested that she makes a list of her favourite dishes to cook and when she visits at the end of the year we can sample her culinary delights. Shame she had quite a difficult week as a friend of hers from school was killed in a car accident together with his Dad and older brother, they weren't close friends but even so it has been very difficult for her to come to terms with, death never makes sense nor is easy to understand and accept, so Princess cooking and spending time being creative is one of the best ways I can think of to keep herself busy. Seeing that July is almost over it won't be too much longer to wait until we all get together again, I can start counting weeks and making plans Wooohooo.

Friends I need to get the bread into the oven so that lunch will be ready when Hubby and Jelly Bean get home (I did the early drive this morning). I pray you have a wonderful week, conquer ALL challenges and stay safe...

Sunset from Strand Beach

Mushing with the Huskies

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