Monday 13 February 2017

Life's a journey, what a ride

A hearty good day to all on this beautiful, overcast Monday. After an unbelievably hot week the last two days have been cool and overcast with some rain, which is so badly needed. The dams in the Western Cape are now sitting at 37.5% which is already critical and despite huge efforts and 'save water' drives the levels are still dropping. We are praying for rain and lots of it which is just perfect with me, I live for the cooler, rainy months.

Slowly over the last week Max's chances of escaping have been closing steadily as my precious Hubby has been threading wire through the palisade fencing. This little dog has absolutely no shame in getting out. While Hubby is sitting working on the fence, Max will try and jump through right next to him, he has even found ways of escaping out of his harness. The other day I looked out of the kitchen window and saw Sasha sitting next to the fence, a sure sign that Max was out, so out I went and there he was SITTING in the fynbos facing the fence and completely stuck in the branches. It took some wiggling and pulling to get him out and back into the yard but back he came, for a little while. I am convinced he sits at night plotting different methods of escape.

Jasper on the other hand seems to have grown overnight. All of a sudden he has lost the gangly look and has become more solid and stocky. He still has the gentlest soul and is still a total cuddle bunny, quite happy to be carried around and kissed, any excuse to start up his purr motor. Gemma has not yet learnt how to deal with him and her escape valve is to sit at Jelly Bean's door and meow until she is let in. In general a happy, peaceful menagerie.

Last week when we went into Gordons Bay to do some shopping I found myself standing behind an old friend whom I haven't seen in over 12 years, what a blessing and happy catch up we had, she hasn't changed one little bit and it was like turning the clock back. I have had a quote going around in my head for days now - the cirlce of life. Even though we are all growing older, I am so aware of the fact that irrespective of what happens in our lives both good and bad, and how we deal with it puts us on the path of the next part of our journey. There have been so many times when I have been convinced that there was nothing further for me, or that it was the end, or that I had reached what I had attained to but, there was and alays will be something more for us to do. If anyone had told me this time last year that we would be here in Betty's Bay, living in our dream home and location, I would have been very skeptical probably to the point of disbelief. But just one right step at the right time and God does bring our hopes and dreams into reality. I look at my children and see confident, successful, beautiful people who fill me with pride. My husband is amazing and so talented, my best friend. In the last six months God has brought more people and old friends into our lives than possibly in the last six years. I don't know about you but I may be biologically on the farther side of life but in my heart I still feel 29, just with way more knowledge and experience. The journey on my life's winding road is nowhere near finished and in fact becoming more and more exciting with every passing day.

Friends on that note I am going to wish you a wonderful week, enjoy every day and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. As always please stay safe.

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