Monday 27 February 2017

February comes to an end.

Good morning friends I can hardly believe that we are at the end of February already. Happily that takes us closer to winter and hopefully more rain than we can deal with. The dams in the Western Cape have dropped to below 34% and it is critical that we have rain. The last few days have been somewhat cooler here in Betty's Bay which is cause for great rejoicing on my part, this morning as I was hanging up the washing I could hear the waves breaking and the smell of the sea, I just took a moment to count my blessings and thank God for His goodness to us.

The Houdini saga continues as my ever patient Hubby continues to work on the fence. This time he has folded the top portion and stabilized it so that when Max jumps he cannot get past the piece that juts out, we have stood and watched him try almost every couple of feet so far with no success. Here is holding thumbs. Jasper seems to suddenly grown up a little, he looks stockier and is sporting a magnificent silky, glossy coat. He continues to remain as lovable and cute as ever and is mad about cheese and yoghurt.

I am on a quest at the moment to try baking various artisanal breads. We have found a fantastic brand of stoneground flour which so far hasn't disappointed, I find myself making a large Ciabatta bread every two days - yep it goes that quickly. Both Jelly Benan and I are sensitive to wheat/gluten and yet somehow this bread doesn't affect us at all, so I shall continue to explore new recipes and methods. Watch this space hehe. Due to me having a bit of a rough week health wise we had a pretty quiet week hence no exploring other than having to make a trip through to Paarl which lasted the whole day. I started my Patchwork Square Afgan so am happily knitting squares which I will then join together to make a hopefully, beautiful Afgan blanket.

It's only been two months and I am missing all the family so much. The girls are well and relishing the rain and cool weather that they are having. Big Guy had an exceptionally busy weekend which included having to move home yesterday, we spoke last night and in true family tradition and in spite of doing it by himself with only two people to help move the furniture, he was in curtains hung and bed made, in total his step counter confirmed that he had walked 14km. Well done son. Our Cape Town family are in the last week of what has been a difficult start to the year because BabyBear has been on course up in Johannesburg since January, only coming home for weekends, hang in there guys only four more sleeps then life goes back to normal. We are looking forward to having dinner with BigBear later on this week hitch is always a treat wooohooo. On the whole all I can say is I am supremely proud of all my family, all of them seem to have managed to find careers in highly stressful jobs and each one handles it with grace and integrity.

Friends please continue to pray for South Africa, for peace and stability in our country and for early, long lasting rains in the Western Cape. Have an awesome week as you go out there and take it by the horns, and above all be safe.

Jasper showing how tough life is.

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