Monday 6 February 2017

A normal week, most unusual

Good afternoon folks I can hardly believe we are already into February. This morning I realised that even though February is still one of our 'hot' months before Autumn it is definitely getting cooler in the early morning and through the night, yaaaay. I personally am counting the days to winter and then I will slow the clock down, most definitely a winter girl. To that end I have started on my latest project - an Afgan throw knitted in squares using four different colours, this is going to be an easy knit for me because the squares are light in weight. Having said that I am already planning the next project where I want to crochet an Afgan throw but from a pattern which is quite intricate, hey ho, hey ho it is with wool I go.

Most of last week was spent with my hard working Hubby finishing the Solar Panel, which works beautifully and gives us as much hot water as we need, and me recovering from the virus. Between having a couple of rainy days and all the roof work we did not do any exploring or major outings, we did however get news that our UK family, Miss Muffet and co are coming to South Africa later in the year which is going to be awesome. We will get to meet our two little Grandsons in the flesh as well as seeing Miss Muffet and her hubby for the first time in about 3 years, WAY too long guys. We are so excited and already making plans on both sides of the ocean...... So much to do and plan.

Jasper just seems to grow cuter by the day, this little guy just melts your heart. He is so gentle and hardly ever makes a sound, hmmm gentle as far as his humans are concerned but when it comes to Gemma, now that is a different matter. He is relentless in his quest of being her friend, except he thinks it will be achieved by jumping on her back at every opportunity and trying to chew her ears. Hats off to Gemma who is known for being an ice queen with a very short fuse, she growls, walks away and tries to ignore him but doesn't hurt him. I watched other day when Jasper tried to nibble her ears and was rejected, eventually he moved about a foot away and curled up to sleep near her, quite an achievement I can assure you. Hubby bought them a laser pointer the other day and if I am careful where I point it I can actually get them playing together with it. Max on the other hand is giving us no end of trouble with his climbing up and over the fence, we have now figured out what we hope will be the final successful way to keep him in the yard. This is going to entail tying a thick wire VERTICALLY from the top of the palisade to where the wire fencing ends, thereby closing the space he gets through and taking away his footholds. Watch this space - hopefully it will remain empty haha.

Friends as I said a quiet week spent doing domestic things and just enjoying being retired. I am attaching something that I read this morning which is powerful and so very true especially to the men out there, I hope you enjoy. Have a fabulous week with lots of adventures, good memories and good coffee. Please be aware of your surroundings and safe in all that you do.

"When a man can listen to a woman's feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift.
He makes it safe for her to express herself.
The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs."

Jasper being cute.

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