Tuesday 6 December 2016

I don't like speed bumps

Hi friends I hope you are all well and would like to thank you for the phone calls and messages as the result of my precious little Kiko passing away yesterday. Your messages have touched me in a way that words can't describe and the common thread among those messages is that so many of you felt like she was your friend as you followed her antics. I cannot describe how much of a hole she has left behind, I had her for 8 months and 1 day and got her when she was just five weeks old, from day one she captured our hearts and got up to mischief constantly, she has left so many beautiful memories in our lives. Yesterday around 12.30ish I saw her sitting quietly on the floor and picked her up for a cuddle and put her on the table where she often sleeps, during lunch when she didn't show any interest at all in what we were eating I started to realise that something was wrong. When we picked her up she walked as if she was drugged and kept falling over, then began to vomit. I called the Vet who said to bring her in, in 45 mins which we did and initially he thought she had eaten something ie. Medication that may have fallen on the floor, because she was deteriorating so quickly. We are very carefull with that kind of thing and could not come up with anything, then Hubby asked if she could have been bitten by something and that got the ball rolling. I remembered thinking earlier that her paw looked dirty and when we looked at it we instantly saw that it was double the size of the her right paw (she was a lefty). The Vet sprung into action and after explaining the possibilities put her on a drip and administered half a vial of anti venom as he believed she had been bitten by a snake possibly a Berg Adder. She only weighed 2 kg so his prognosis was not encouraging. By this time she could not lift her head or even blink. I sat with her through the whole process and when they were finished kissed her and we left. He phoned an hour later to say she was slipping into a coma and then just after 5pm called to say she had passed away, after running her blood tests and finding nothing he believes it was either a Berg Adder or a Cobra. It still a feels very unreal and I find myself listening for her bell or wanting to call her, needless to say putting make up was a waste of time today. As Jelly Bean said last night she is probably running around in heaven chasing metal tape measures.

Apart from our major speed bump life has been quiet but very productive and busy since last weeks Blog. We had to make a trip through to Stellenbosch and Strand which turned into a super busy day. I got a bee in my bonnet and made myself a long kaftan (70's style) over the weekend which turned out exactly how I wanted it, long, cool, light and comfortable, so was very chuffed about that. We started preparing for the family's arrival which meant climbing into bags in the garage roof for linen etc, so I can now tick that off the list. On Sunday My darling Hubby and I went for a long walk on the beach and realised its actually the first long walk we've taken on the beach, the weather has been really good with hot days and cold evenings, thank the Lord for the wind which is generally cool and is the only thing that makes the heat bearable. On Sunday I also put up our Christmas tree which Kiko got very involved in (her last photo below) and Hubby hung up Christmas stockings on our beautiful fireplace, when finished he stepped back and said "wow there are a lot of us" which there are and that is without adding Miss Muffet and her family and our other family members. We have 10 sleeps until the girls arrive and 17 sleeps until Big Guy arrives which will also be the day we have our Express Christmas, and also we will ALL be together in the same place for the first time this year. So much still to do .......

Friends I am going to wish you a wonderful week, thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your messages and calls and prayers. I would like to urge you to take time to smell the roses and breathe and as always please be safe.

Kiko wondering if the Christmas tree was going to be her new play zone - So sad she didn't have time to destroy it.

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