Monday 5 December 2016

A big speed bump.

Hi friends, I trust you are all well and enjoying the heat of summer. This is an extremely quick message to apologise for not putting up today's Blog as we have had a 'family crisis', we have just arrived home after rushing my precious little Kiko to the vet. She was fine this morning and then over the lunch period became extremely ill in a very short space of time, initially the Vet as well as ourselves was absolutely nonplussed at what could cause her to deteriorate so quickly until I noticed that her left front paw was swollen - diagnosis at this point is that she was bitten by a snake, possibly a Berg Adder. He is treating her and monitoring her constantly, has administered a half a vial of Anti-venom and now we are praying and waiting, in his words right now it is touch and go. Please if you would, could I ask you to pray for her complete healing? As I typed that last sentence the Vet phoned to say she is not doing well and is drifting into a coma. Friends I will put up this weeks Blog tomorrow as right now I am just too upset and it certainly won't be a interesting Blog.

Have a super evening and always stay safe.

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