Monday 14 March 2022

Never boring.

Shooo, it's been a busy time, good morning folks from a magnificent, cooler little corner of paradise. After the most unbearable heat we have had a little bit of rain here in the Western Cape which was enough to be counted as a promise of Autumn ...... winter please can you hurry and last long? 
Quite an interesting week behind us with some really quiet days and some really busy days. Things got off to a fairly normal start with a trip into Kleinmond on Tuesday during which I discovered a new store in 'town'. Not a new business (they began during Lockdown) and have now grown to opening a store, we have our very own Bakery which is all traditional Artisnal Sour Dough products. I will admit I splurged just a teeny bit, buying 2 fantastic Foccacia breads which are a meal in themselves and the most incredible sour dough Cinnamon Rolls/Chelsea Buns - absolute decadence yummm yummm. #BroodStories. 

Dear Hubby spent an entire day in errands in the City as well as collecting his laptop which went in for repairs nearly two months ago and, on collection is still not repaired, as well as having some of the Hardware missing 🤦🏻‍♀️. Such a frustrating journey, I take my hat off to him for his patience and long suffering, my lid was boiling and it is not even my computer. He has also just about finished working on his vehicle, that is going to be such a blessing to have on the road again. 
Our Inverter system is operating beautifully and has been a real game changer with Load Shedding being reimplemented, we can now almost carry on as normal when the power is off 👏🏻. 

The Poppet, Sonshine and Princess flew up to Johannesburg for a variety of social commitments and we took Jelly Bean across on Thursday to house sit our fur grand-babies. As usual we incorporated all chores and shopping into the trip and then spoilt ourselves with a delicious waffle lunch at a Coffee Shop in Gordon's Bay. Despite the mind numbing heat it was a super treat - I had a bacon and banana waffle (a flavor combination that I adore) and Hubby went for traditional waffle toppings. Yummmmmm! I then drove through on Saturday to join her and we also had a little 'pre-birthday girl' date which morphed. Due to a huge queue outside the restaurant and the blistering heat, we got what we wanted as take away hehehe. It was such fun getting to know Humph, the girls' newly adopted dog, who is just the most precious, gentle soul, with the saddest eyes. He, like Charlie, has come from a background of abuse and neglect and was so scared when meeting each of us again without his humans around. It didn't take long though before he settled down and accepted the change although it was very obvious that he was missing Princess and Poppet. Well what would a week be without a little excitement ? On Saturday it should have come as no surprise to hear that the Airline which Poppet and Sonshine were booked on to return yesterday had been shut down 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. This is South Africa and nothing should surprise us anymore, and yet we still held out hope that it would indeed only be for the anticipated 24 hrs. By yesterday morning it still looked that way and expecting their return last night Jelly Bean and I duly locked up and came home. 😂😂. We weren't home yet when everything got turned around and 'we' all found ourselves in a logistical muddle. Their flight was cancelled; we had locked the house with the keys in it, as normal, and the animals were all inside. With a lot of prayer, a bit of logistical planning (a couple of phone calls and to cut a long story short), Hubby went in and met with the owner of the property who was able to use a remote to access the house. Hallelujah; It was then his turn to get to know the fur babies until the family land this morning. As Sonshine said to me "one can never say things are dull around here" hehe. 

As for me, I am doing well and busy with somewhat of an 'experiment'. Since my diagnosis I have been on a Hormone Blocker which I will stay on for five years, the hitch comes in the fact that my hair has been falling out literally by the handful, it has never been this thin. I had put it down to all the anaesthetics but on speaking to my Oncologist it could be the medication so, she has taken me off it for a month and if the hairloss gets better she will then change the medication and I pray we can move on from there....... it seems this the long haul part of my journey. 

Well folks, that has been quite a jam packed Blog and I am going to end off by wishing you all a wonderful week. With all that is going on in the world please take time every day to share some compassion and care with others as well as taking time to appreciate what we have in this life. Ciao Ciao. 

 Sibling love

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