Monday 28 February 2022

They say things happen in threes.

Good morning everyone I hope this finds you all well and ready to cruise into March. I am truly hoping March will bring a drop in temperatures and am counting the days to winter, I am more than ready for jerseys, hot drinks, soups, curries. stews and log fires. Quite a week last week turned out to be ..... my goodness, first of all I had a Dr's appointment for a three monthly check with my Oncologist, I have no recall of the appointment being made and if they had not sent an SMS to remind me I would have blithely missed it. So right in the middle of my first Dr free week I was schlepping into SW, met with my Dr to discuss the 'future' with regards to visits etc and then blood tests before turning right around and beetling back home hehe. Let me back up to the first incident of the week, on Monday morning whilst I was dismantling my 'couch bed' I picked up my pillow and my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw right in the middle, under my pillow a scorpion 🦂. Quickly trying to reassure myself that it was dead, squashed (I thought) and calling Hubby and Jelly Bean, I grabbed the ever handy plastic jug to catch it in and it MOVED, fast!!!!! Eeeek. I jumped, we all jumped, and as calm as you please Jelly Bean grabbed a paper towel, picked it up and disposed of it. To say that I was beyond freaked out is an understatement, I looked under the couch, under the cushions, on the floor, on the curtains, inside my pillow case, you name it, I turned it over just checking there wasn't a spouse nearby 😱. I am still turning things over before settling myself. They are quite common here, but usually on the floor - never before under my pillow. Soooo, that got the adrenaline going and the week off to a surprising start. For the most part the following days were normal and relatively quiet apart from my trip to SW. Hubby always has clocks to work on and is still busy with his car but, on Tuesday I saw a comment on FB regarding Embroidery Stands and by the next day I had lined up three orders which meant he had to get a couple made up and ready to go out, just a wee bit of pressure in the timber department. By Thursday morning when he left to go to town for watch spares and a number of other stops, he was able to send off two, the third one should go out this week. We have discovered a wonderful Courier system called PUDO, I may have mentioned it before, they work on lockers which you 'hire' according to size, place your parcel and send the waybill to the client. An added feature is that they also deliver to door or locker, our client received her Stand before 9 AM Friday morning, less than 24 hours which is pretty convenient as well as being the cheapest option around. Whilst he was gone I was busy in the kitchen and poured a cup of boiling water, as I picked it up I bobbled the cup and spilt boiling water all over my hand ... seriously ???? I dashed for the cold water and then my tried and trusted tube of Flamazine, which I spread on liberally before shoving my hand into a jug of iced water. Less than two hours later no pain and although you can see where the burn is all the sting is gone due to the cream, it's a little tender to heat but that is all. That is one medication I am never without and have used it on every type of burn since Princess was very badly burnt by boiling two minute noodles when she was 3. To complete the 'trio' of events on Friday morning we all left to do the monthly grocery shop in Hermanus, it was a gorgeous cooling rainy start to the day and obviously Charlie could not come with. As the gate was closing I bent down and pushed him through, as I do every time I go out without him but, for some reason my timing was off or I was so intent on keeping him from getting through that I forgot about the approaching gate and it squished my head right into one of the metal arm things that guide it into position at the end. I pulled back instinctively, Charlie got out, Hubby and Jelly Bean were hopping about and I had the mother of all headaches. On the gate side I just have a graze and bruise but in the 'metal arm' side it cut into me just below my eyebrow, not big but deep enough to bleed which didn't help any of us. LOL 🤦🏻‍♀️ . Apart from the sore head I was fine and off we went to do the shopping in retrospect I can be glad I didn't squash my chest then I might have burst 😂. Just a warning though, a small child or animal caught in a sliding gate would have very a bad it not fatal outcome. Saturday I woke up to a slightly blacker left eye but the swelling has gone down a bit and only sore if I forget and touch it. As I said, not quite the week I planned and anything but dull and boring to be sure. The famIly are all doing well and working too hard. The Bears took part in a global CrossFit event on Saturday and both absolutely outshone themselves, I am so proud of you both and have NO clue how you do it #hatsoff Our dove family are doing well and patiently sitting on their nest, every now and then mommy dove serenades us and it is such a lovely sound. This week I want to take Charlie to the Vet for a checkup as he constantly seems to have issues with his ears and what I think are allergies are driving him and us quite mad. He actually gets a rash, almost like a heat rash over his body,over and above his constantly red, chewed feet, so here's praying for some answers. Not many people will know this about me, one of my most favorite things to do in summer to relax is to clean a swimming pool. In Cradock and Bloemfontein I would spend hours and hours in the pool cleaning it. A few weeks ago we put our small plastic pool up on the mostly enclosed deck and yesterday with the heat I decided that was the perfect way to end off an eventful week. Hubby changed the pipes around for me and armed with a vacuum cleaner pipe on one end I spent my afternoon cleaning every speck of dirt off the pool floor before relaxing in the pristine water whilst mama dove looked down in me, a few of her tiny white feather fluffs were cleaned away from the surface as well. People watching probably think I have lost the plot but it is so satisfying to systematically clean and remain cool at the same time haha, it takes all kinds I know. Well folks after all that once again I am aiming for a catastrophe free, peaceful week. I wish you and yours a good one and please stay safe and well. Ciao Ciao. Unwelcome sleeping partner.

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