Monday 31 January 2022

Birds, birds and more birds

Well good morning folks wherever you are. As the longest month of the year is about to end I trust this finds you all well and more or less back into the swing of things. After the disgusting heat of two weeks back this week has been absolutely wonderful, warm days but mostly with a lovely cool breeze coming off the sea which for me is a life saver, I have discovered I cannot live without the wind lol. As I mentioned last week we have our second brood of baby doves growing up on our deck, they hatched this week and I am guessing that mommy dove is not a first time mom. She takes time to have a little break but all the time watching from the garag roof or close by. Imagine my delight when I was looking at the house diagonally behind us and noticed they have four 'shelves' built just under their roof, so well sheltered from the south easter wind, all four have doves sitting on nests. I think it is such a clever idea and literally the easiest thing to do. Our fly through sugarbird feeder is also exceptionally busy because things are so dry here at the moment, if we fill up whenever it's empty they are going through three litres of sugar water a day, we try and keep it at two litres but when it's really hot we  keep it going. All in all our birds give us so much joy and a fair amount of work to boot. 
 I started off my week with a visit to the Plastic Surgeon on Monday (it feels like a month ago) and he did another fill. I can't say these are my favorite kind of visits as the expanders are hard as it is and with every fill, which is designed to stretch the skin, they become more painful and uncomfortable. It's amazing that about 150-200ml of saline alltogether can cause your balance to be off kilter and pain in the back as the body adjusts to the extra weight. This has not helped the fact that for some reason sleep seems to be a long lost friend at the moment, on Saturday night I got just over an hour, thank goodness for online books and sudoku is all I can say. Happily I have another weeks respite before the next fill 💪🏻. 
 After being in the house almost all week on Friday Jelly Bean and I decided we needed a coffee 'date' and took ourselves off to a restaurant which opened in Rooi Els in 2019 and we have been threatening to go there ever since. First of all from no wind here, it was pumping on that side and once we looked  at the menu coffee went on the back burner and we both opted for fish and chips. Oh my word........ the best battered fish and chips I've had in years, nom nom. We have decided we will need to go back and try the coffee at some point as well hahaha. After lunch we drove around Rooi Els just looking at the houses and were surprised to see that it is bigger than what it appears, altogether a well deserved and most enjoyable break. 
 Between clocks Hubby has been busy working on our cars, at the beginning of the month all three were giving trouble in one way or another. Currently my car is just needing a new  exhaust and Jelly Bean's car is about to come out of vehicle ICU. Sadly Hubby's car is needing a fair bit more of doctoring but is in the queue.  Thank goodness for a handy husband as well as the fact that he originally trained as a motor mechanic 👏🏻👏🏻.  The family are all doing well and Princess had an Athletics day at school on Saturday in which she shone in all her events, well done my angel we are always so proud of you. Our little grandsons in the U.K. have been playing tag with testing positive for CoVid, Praise God they have had no serious symptoms and are just waiting out quarantine times. 
That's all the news for this week folks, I wish you all a good week, may it be productive, prosperous, healthy and happy. Please take care and stay safe, Ciao Ciao. 

Our newest dove babies.

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