Monday 10 January 2022

And January gains traction.

Happy Monday greetings to everyone both near and far. As the summer holidays are now officially over for South Africa, there should be some semblance of normal life returning although, normal has changed and been re-defined so it's going to be interesting to see how things unfold. However this year unfolds for each of us, I hope we have learnt enough lessons from the last couple of years to make each day count and to seize every opportunity to the good. Well, apart from the mind numbing heat we have had over the last few days here in the Cape it was a very busy but productive week. On Tuesday we had the joy of collecting Princess and her boyfriend C and having them over for the night and most of Wednesday. It was such fun and I believe I speak for us all when I say we had a ball. I cooked up a huge pot of chicken breyani, we chatted, we laughed and then after supper we taught C how to play Nurch, an old family favorite card game. This game inevitably ends up being quite a raucous affair just by its very nature, we had such fun and it is a night I will treasure. To back up a little, on Monday our remaining little dove took flight with her mommy and we have been able to catch glimpses of them, sitting on the bird feeder. I am so happy they both survived and were kept safe whilst they were on our deck. On Wednesday I had to go in for a Bone Density test which I have had to postpone four times, grrr. Off I went and duly presented myself at the Radiology Department, despite having a really lovely Radiologist doing the tests I could not help feeling quite unsettled at being back in the Hospital after having had no doctors or medical appointments for a whole three weeks, which felt a lot longer. I kept thinking "now what". The following day I received a call saying the results were in and that I have Osteoporosis and to that end the Oncologist is applying to Medical Aid for a Calcium Drip which I will receive however often they have decided that I will need it. It wasn't even worth getting upset about it, it's just one more thing I need to do in order to get well and stay that way. Jelly Bean and I also eventually both made looong overdue appointments with our hairdressers, what a treat for us both to come out feeling and looking totally fresh and new 😁. Between resuming almost all my normal home activities and all our outings it constituted a good and busy week. Hubby has so many clocks waiting for his attention that it is hard to keep track, unusually most of them are presenting unique and different faults so he is a very busy man at the moment, we currently have three clocks in the house for testing just for example 😄. I must congratulate BabyBear on successfully completeing her studies in the space of fourteen months and still,holding down her full time job. Well done honey, now it's your time to get back to normal and living your life, you did it and you did it well. 👏🏻🤗 On Saturday the Overstrand awoke to the news that a fire had broken out in the mountains on the other side of Kleinmond and about halfway between our home and Hermanus. The soaring temperatures on Saturday and very strong winds soon took the fire to the next level, and with memories of three years ago still very fresh in everyone's minds all the usual cogs and wheels started turning with the fire fighters, volunteers, choppers and spotter plane, collection areas for food, eye drops, water etc being well supported. By late last night it had reached the eastern side of Kleinmond and although five homes were evacuated as a precautionary measure there has so far been no damage to buildings or structures. By late afternoon on Saturday the smoke over our village, and as far as Room Els was incredibly thick having been sucked through the mountains by the wind, accompanied by a lot ash falling. Thank the Lord, during the night the wind turned and it was prevented from spreading further into the residential area. This fire is still not wholly contained with Cape Town Fire Fighters now also joining in, rain has been forecast for tonight which will please God, put it out completely. As my recovery timeline picks up again this week with my next appointment at the Plastic Surgeon, I am praying for a quiet and good week, not just for myself but for each of you. This means the year is in full swing and it's time to take it by the horns and make it ours. Challenges are always going to be there, it is how we handle them that determines the outcome so, to that end folks when every new day dawns, leave behind the frustrations of the previous day, embrace the new and the fresh and in so doing turn this year into a good year for yourself and your family. If you live in the Cape stay cool and hydrated hehe. Stay safe and stay well, Ciao Ciao. Sunset Saturday through the smoke.

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