Monday 24 May 2021

Wonderful weather

Good morning folks, I trust today's Blog finds you all well. Currently we are between cold fronts with a hot Berg wind which hopefully means I can get a huge load of washing done and just as importantly dry, with winter finally having show her face the sun is weaker and when there's is no wind it means the washing doesn't dry haha. Last week we had the beautiful cold and soooo much rain, oh my word it just kept coming down much to my absolute delight and ..... bonus we only had one elusive leak bothering us, so the search continues for its source. We have had to laugh though at what is going on next door to us, there are three empty plots and the middle one is being prepped for building. Now ............ this is the plot where our little wetland is and where the ducks and geese swim hehe, on Thursday with all the rain coming down and the temperatures also plummeting there were four guys obviously trying to mark out something. These poor men were wading through freezing, almost knee high water with very little progress, then on Saturday they brought along a pump which ran throughout the entire day pumping the water into a pipe that the municipality have been laying in the next road, all very complicated. So, on Saturday evening the plot was empty of water and just a big mud patch the. on Sunday morning I looked out of the window and bam 90% of the water is back without a drop of rain being shed, I'm thinking this is going to cause problems and will prove interesting to watch. It was not the busiest of weeks but certainly an interesting one as I continued in my quest to find a glue that would stick bridal satin to a plastic form, good grief after trying eight different adhesives including clear glue, glue gun, contact, wood glue, craft glue and every other one I could lay my hands on eventually on Saturday Hubby brought through a tub of Flexible Tile Glue ....... TA DAA it worked, hallelujah the relief was real, I could tick that off my list. Then, I have been going through a period of not being able to find things which magically seem to disappear into never never land, this has resulted in cupboards being unpacked and tidied with no results, even going to far as looking (with my eyes only) in Hubby's man cave a.k.a. the garage with little to no results. Yesterday I found two of the four 'missing' items with the help of Poppet who saw the one item hanging in broad daylight on a hook by the door, and Hubby suggesting I look under the sofa cushion for the other 🤦🏻‍♀️. Please God the other two items come to light as I have no idea where to look further 🙏🏻. I may have mentioned that in order to get the root of the problem with my tummy I have totally gone off all and any wheat products - so far things are working very well, so well in fact that on Thursday I decided to make a ciabatta bread to go with mushroom soup for supper. I have made and eaten this bread for years and been fine well, not any longer I was in agony so I guess it is confirmed my body has drawn the line at any and all wheat products. Whilst this is awkward and not easy because wheat is in just about everything, I don't eat red meat either for the same reason, these two combined is making mealtimes for me a real challenge with a couple of failures along the way. It certainly makes for a lot of research and experimentation I can tell you, my first roaring success was a fruit cake made with only Gluten Free flour, I had expected it to be crumbly and dry but it came out perfectly whoop, whoop one down, many to go. I managed to do some embroidery on my quilting square and even began knitting a T-yarn pouffe/ottoman. After looking high and low for a pattern and coming up empty I decided to just knit without one and actually got it to about 55cm when yesterday I decided to undo it and re-knit on bigger needles, such fun 😂. Yesterday Poppet and Princess popped over for a quick bite and also to complete the art project which involved glueing the corset onto the form and canvas that Princess had painted, it was a very sticky business and her talent is undeniable I just pray the teacher appreciates all the different methods and techniques she used 🙏🏻. She also starts writing mid year exams in Wednesday and I just know she is going to do well, Princess you have worked so hard and I pray for even more of God's peace over you with every exam you write. The family are all well with most of them being really overworked at the moment with business being what it is these days it seems that less people are doing more and the more they are doing is much harder than it used to be. Our family member who was in hospital with CoVid was discharged yesterday amidst much rejoicing and relief, God is unquestionably still on His throne. Thank you so much to all who prayed and stood in faith with us. The deck is continuing to roll along as Hubby tries to do some work on it every day that the weather permits yippeee, now that we've got to this stage I wish I could just blink and see it finished. Folks, that was the stand out events of my week, some have been omitted to avoid embarrassment to the author 😂, I am hoping for a similar week creativity wise and looking forward to more rain and nice fires burning in the fireplace. I wish you and yours a wonderful week please stay safe and healthy. Ciao Ciao 

 The Art Project.

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