Monday 17 May 2021

Interesting to say the least!

Brrrr good morning from a gorgeous cool and wet Bettys Bay 😁such beautiful weather, we have had rain since Friday and oh what a difference it makes to the world - I could seriously have this kind of weather all year.

Well folks not exactly a crazy week but most definitely an interesting one, so many emotions, highs and lows.  Our week started off quietly with the exception of knowing that Jill (Jilly Bean as I called her) was facing some harsh decisions by her humans.  She took ill a couple of weeks ago and when Poppet took her to the Vet she told them about a lump on Jill's leg, further investigation showed that it was malignant and the fear was that it had spread to her chest as she started coughing, which sadly it had.  On Wednesday after further consultations and tests the girls had to say goodbye to their beloved Jill, she had been Princess' absolute shadow and quite one of the quirkiest little dogs I have ever met, there are so many happy memories of all the crazy, unco-ordinated things she did and needless to say it has been a devastating blow, especially coming so soon after their cat passing away.  As a Mom and Granny I almost felt like I was losing a pet fur grandchild and felt so useless in not being able to offer them any comfort that would take the hurt and sadness away, needless to say I spent the entire day baking just to keep myself busy.  R.I.P Jill you were very special.
On Thursday I awoke to a message from the lady who runs The Butterfly Effect, which is where I am 'registered' to be a foster mom for kittens.  A little kitten approximately 6 weeks old had been found on Wednesday evening and was on the way to the Vet for a quick health check and then would be on his way to me.  Sjoe no time to think, but thank goodness I had everything I needed and then ......... little B'loo arrived. Oh my what an absolute little treasure, it took him one day to find his way around and from then he just proceeded to make himself at home much to Jasper and Zeepha's disgust, they really are lousy hosts πŸ˜‚.  This little guy bonded with me immediately and was an absolute delight, he  was so easy, loves to chat, had no accidents, slept on top of me every night (which amazingly Charlie allowed) and by Saturday he discovered Zeepha's hammock on the cat condo and inserted himself unapologetically in it.  Yesterday 'N' called to say that the owner had come forward and naturally he had to go back but, because neither of us were 100% happy that he will be vaccinated and sterilized she is going to make sure of that and in so doing will keep an eye on him πŸ™πŸ».  I know that most of the family if not all were convinced he would be a foster fail, but I constantly reminded myself that I was just caring for him temporarily. 

That folks was pretty much the highs and lows of my week, we are continuing to pray as our family member is still in hospital fighting the Corona Virus, also praying for peace for the rest of her family and wisdom for the doctors.  On the whole the family are well, lots of emotions and the usual day to day positives and negatives of doing business and school during these times, as I am sure all your families are doing.  Hubby managed to get the order for Embroidery Stands out successfully  as well a couple of clocks /watches delivered back to their owners.  With all the rain he has made regular trips up onto the roof looking for and re-sealing areas that defy all measures we take and continue to drip periodically, the upside of these ladder trips for him is the view from up there is unbelievable and he get a good look around the neighbourhood.

Folks I am going to end off today's Blog with the following - so many times when we are busy and rushing from one thing to another our pets tend to get underfoot and perhaps even ignored, please remember that YOU are their world and find time every day to spend some time with them. Compared to us their time on earth is so short.  As I grow older I see more and more pets succumbing to 'human diseases' which when we were younger was almost unheard of.  Even saying goodbye to little B'loo I was reminded of something my late husband said when we were living in East London, he had gone to the beach and a random dog came up to him with a stick, as many times as it was thrown, the dog continued to bring it back.  He realized that 1. You don't have to own something to enjoy it and 2. Those few minutes playing with an animal do as much for you as they do for the pet.

I pray that you have a good week and are able to enjoy the smallest of moments and make them special.  Please stay well and healthy.  Ciao ciao 
Little B'loo

R.I.P. Jill 😽

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