Monday 10 May 2021

Art, Rain, Picnics and Family

And the Mondays keep coming aroundπŸ˜„, good morning folks from a delightfully quiet, cool Bettys Bay. Currently our world is divided in two - if I look out of the windows on one side it's quite sunny with a few clouds, if I look out towards the sea it is dark, grey and moody. Winter truly arrived last week and was received with great joy, the rain came down for three days straight and we got to light our first fire of the year, absolute heaven. We had appproximately 100mm in our garden, more was measured closer to the mountain and two of the 'local' lagoons have breached. πŸ‘πŸ» Again another busy week behind me albeit a different kind of busy. I mentioned last week that we had been helping Princess with an art project .......... hmmmm I woke up at 2.30 am on Tuesday in a panic as I realized that Princess was planning to start painting the canvas and she could not. Eventually I got up and sat in the lounge trying to figure it all out in my head and at about 4am knowing that they switch the volume off on their phones at night I messaged both her and Poppet trying to explain that the plastic 'bust form' was going to need to be attached before any painting took place. Surprise, surprise, Poppet answered quickly as she was also awake and at 4.30 Princess replied (she was up early to study). Once I'd explained and we had made plans I was still wide awake, Jelly Bean came through when she heard me making tea - we then sat together on her bed having a very early cup of tea before eventually going back to bed and trying to get a few minutes extra sleep, all this made for an exhausting day hahaha. On Wednesday I sat the whole day and created the front of a corset, hopefully the teacher isn't expecting whalebone in it 🀞🏻, that done I could relax somewhat. On Thursday the girls came over as the teacher wanted extra canvas boards attached - Grandpa's contribution to the project, and Princess and I began the process of attaching a semi rigid plastic mould to canvas blocks YIKES. Eventually we went with three long screws to keep it down and Princess tissue podged art paper all around it to create a 'seamless' look, as she glued I went behind her with the hairdryer due to the fact that we needed three layers and each one has to dry. I will admit to releasing a huge sigh of relief when it was all done as I had stressed so much about how to attach it and create a seemless look, the rest is now up to the artist herself and when everything is done we will attach the corset to the form, I haven't figured out which glue is going to work best to attach heavy bridal satin to a plastic mould 🀷🏻‍♀️. I will admit to completely taking Friday and Saturday to relax hehe. I have also had to make some significant dietary changes, as last Monday I had to go for an abdominal and pelvic sonar scan because I have still being having a lot of discomfort, Praise the Lord the scans were all clear which has led me to think that as I had relaxed my no meat, no wheat eating programme that could possibly be the 'culprit'. So ...... as of last Monday no meat and no wheat, it's quite an adjustment but I am coping well and actually starting to have less discomfort and pain. Yesterday being Mothers's Day Poppet had organized a picnic at Jordan Wine Farm and the Bears joined us as well as friends of Poppet who spent the weekend with her, they have a four year old little boy and twin boys who are trying valiantly to crawl. As you can imagine we were a large crowd and what a wonderful day we had, the weather was perfect, we were on the banks of a dam which was filled with various geese, the food was delicious - all provided and packed by the Wine Farm, and ......... before the others arrived I saw my very first Fish Eagle πŸ¦…, initially we were not sure until Hubby heard its cry, we were so blessed to watch him land in the water and then circle the dam for quite a few minutes looking for food. What an amazing spoil of a day, thank you my family for all the love and blessings, I only wish Big Guy had been able to join us. Well folks quite a lot of news today, Happy Mothers Day to all the moms for yesterday, I really hope you were spoiled and treated like the precious souls that you are. In closing I would just like to caution us all not to relax our stringent CoVid santising protocols, it's easy to get lax-a-daisykle now that we see numbers coming down and lockdown levels are being lifted, please keep up with you sanitizing and wearing masks etc. Currently we have one extended family member who was rushed to hospital last night, thank the Lord she is showing improvement and we continue praying for complete healing, the other extended family member was unknowingly exposed through sports and is awaiting the results of the test, he is currently showing no symptoms. We need to stay vigilant and be as careful as we were this time last year. I wish each and every one of you a wonderful week, may your time be multiplied, may you feel the peace of God and get through this week victoriously. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for your continued support, it always warms my heart to receive feedback on these Blogs. Ciao ciao for now and please stay safe and well. 
 Our picnic spot yesterday

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