Monday 8 February 2021

Time to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.

Wow, good morning everyone, what a whirlwind week my head is still spinning.   I hope you are all well and strong 💪🏻. This was the first time in weeks that I felt halfway like myself and I had planned to ease into the week, but it was having none of that, it was run, run from the get go.

Monday Hubby had an appointment with the Retinal Specialist and I had to go in case they did any procedures on the eye.  As is usual we combined what needed doing with this trip to Somerset West, needing to restock on some towels and sleeping pillows. If I told you how old our pillows were, I don't think you would believe me.  Anyway a quick stop at the Colibri Towel Factory Shop 😍 the only place I will buy from in future, their stock whilst a bit limited in colour was amazing and I am delighted with the luxurious quality of the bath sheets we bought. From there some crafting items and then we discovered a smallish Woolies which had the pillows we were looking for, in fact we were so quick we had time to spare and even more because someone who was supposed to meet me regarding couch slip covers I was selling, couldn't make it.  That gave Hubby and I an extra half an hour until his appointment which we squandered by buying soft serve ice creams and sitting in the car at the beach just watching the water.  Off we toddled to his appointment and five minutes later he came back to the car because the appointment was NOT for Monday but for Friday -oh joy 😬.  Tuesday passed with housework, washing, washing, washing and more washing,  couch covers being sold and collected and much activity, also Hubby is almost at the sealing point with the big server and still managed to get a whole load of watches and clocks out and delivered. Thursday I needed to get Jelly Bean to the Dr as she had severe neuralgia/sinus so that ended up taking a a whole morning, Friday it was back to SW to the real dr's appointment and the weekly grocery  shop which I tried to do as quickly as possible. Praise the Lord Hubby's eye is much improved and rather than doing a further further procedure to clear the remaining debris they have decided to wait three months and then see how it is doing. On Thursday we also managed to have our first walk on the beach in well over a year, oh what joy to get my feet in the sand and water #myhappyplace.  Charlie was nervous at first but when I waded into the little pools he bravely followed me in and thoroughly enjoyed himself, little beach baby poodle 🐩. 
During the week Poppet also collected her two new babies Beaux and Bella who are absolutely gorgeous and just 'melt my heart cute', happily Princess flew back on Friday evening feeling much better and eager to meet the babies.

We were due to go through to the Bears for lunch yesterday but BigBear came down with a cold/flu and it was decided that the way of wisdom was to postpone until he is better, a big disappointment for all as we haven't seen them since Christmas or their new home.  Then Poppet phoned and invited us for lunch at her house which was absolutely delicious, thank you Angel.  We had such fun with the babies and whilst I was trying to eat my pudding, Beaux jumped up onto my lap and literally pinched my entire mini eclair, I  pulled it out of his mouth immediately but from then on was very popular hehe. They are small for nine weeks and oh soooo busy, but move a plate or mug and he is there's like flash.  They were thrown away by the previous people that had them and despite such a rough start are just the most loving, adventurous little cuddle kitties.  Hats off the the amazing foster careers at Raise n Rescue for their love and dedication.
Jelly Bean was unable to go with us yesterday as she had a reaction on Friday/ Saturday  to the medication the Dr prescribed and was feeling really  awful including her bottom lip being numb. Today my first call is to the dentist as we think it might be an abscess and to the Dr re the medication 🤦🏻‍♀️  
I am not going to say the words but I have no further plans for the week 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

On the drive in yesterday firstly, it looked like the entire population of CT was out - beaches were full, the roads were crazy busy and in general everyone looked happy.  I have always had a love for dolphins and  since we moved down my deepest wish has been to see them, somehow I always miss them, even when we did the boat  cruise years ago JB and Hubby saw a whole bunch and I missed it.  On Friday we saw something in the water but could not make out whether it was a seal or a shark trying to eat a fish but yesterday in the same spot we saw loads of dolphins obviously feeding on a shoal of fish.  Hubby was able to pull over and although they weren't jumping high out of the water we got a glorious sighting - I was on such a high afterwards 😂😂, I am going to put one of the short videos I recorded on my phone at the bottom of this Blog, where was my camera when I needed it ???  On the flip side I don't think my Charlie is too impressed with me as I had to leave him behind four times this week and he was sulking the whole of last night 😢🐩. 

Well folks, not what I had planned for the week but what happened, my head is still whirling a little and my body doth protest madly but a new week it is and I am ready to face each day as it comes.  Please look after yourselves, stay safe and keep your masks on.  Until next week Ciao Ciao.

The new babies.  Beaux is tabby, Bella is white.

Dolphin sighting

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