Monday 15 February 2021

Interesting visitors

Good morning everyone I hope you've all had a good weekend and are ready to face the new week. We have had quite the hottest weather since we moved down four and a half years ago, it has really been unbearable. Thankfully yesterday dawned cool and wet and I could not have been happier, what a relief to just be able to breath in cool air, even the cats showed some of their 'winter behaviour' so the animals are feeling it just as much as we are. Oh how I am counting the days until winter shows her beautiful face..... Dear Jelly Bean eventually got to see the dentist last Wednesday after being in the most excruciating pain for over a week, we are so blessed to have such an incredible dentist in a small town and my goodness me I've seen the best and the worst. When I called him early Monday morning he immediately wrote her a script for antibiotics and pain killers and then when she saw him it was even more that what he had guessed. She had developed a large access on each root of one tooth and due to the fact that her teeth have very long roots what had happened was, as the abscesses grew so they pushed down on a nerve which is what has caused her lip and chin to go numb. He did all the necessary and packed it full of medication and she will return in two weeks. Praise the Lord that at long last she is starting to look and feel a little better every day. Due to the intense heat we/I did not a accomplish a great amount, even Hubby would work and then come in for a rest before going back out. I must say that Poppe's server is now ready to be sealed and is looking absolutely incredible. The fun begins when we need to get it into the back of my car and transport it, it is solid Meranti and weighs a ton 💪🏻. On Wednesday Charlie and Sasha had their Spa day and were much happier little pooches after shedding all their fur although, Charlie is hysterical to watch for a couple of days after he's been groomed. Because the fans were on constantly he would be sleeping and then all of a sudden swing around and look accusingly at his back because the 'wind' had blown across his almost bare skin. Poor little guy, he had these imaginary 'things' tickling him 🤣🤣. Sasha just spreads herself out on the concrete like a white frog to cool off. While Hubby was out during the week I heard the dogs making an almighty racket next to the garage, it is an area of about eighteen inches along two sides of the garage against the fence which we have blocked off to keep the dogs from getting in there. Well, all three were going crazy barking and carrying on so off I toddled to investigate only to be more surprised than the dogs at the sight that greeted me. As I looked around the corner expecting to see a tortoise or a snake I was met by two little heads peeping out of the wall itself ???? It is obviously a double wall and has drainage spaces which look about half a brick in size and we have a family of Mongoose living in the wall completely protected from the dogs, or so they thought because even as I was looking right at them both Max and Charlie got through a hole that either they or the mongoose or both had chewed through the fence. Both faces disappeared as the two confused dogs ran up and down trying to find the 'visitors, there I am with an obstacle fence between us, I can't reach the dogs and obviously they weren't particularly interested in obeying me. Eventually I managed to get each one by the scruff of the neck and hauled them over and while I was trying to find something else to block the hole up they were off and into forbidden territory again, aaarrggghhh all this in 32 c blazing midday sun. Armed with a plank I again finally succeeded in catching both dogs and deposited all three in the house so that I could cover up the hole and protect the Mongoose family, all the while with one or two little heads peeping out and keeping an eye on me, they are so cute and I am beyond chuffed that they have a safe little home in the back of our garage wall. We have often seen Max barking at the wall and suspected mice or even a snake but no, just a little family although even with only half of a bottom jaw Max still considers himself capable of licking through the bricks and cement to get to them 🤦🏻‍♀️ On Friday Jelly Bean and I braved the heat and went into SW to do the groceries and also collect a friend of hers who spent the weekend with us, just an indication of the heat - in SW it was 33c and when we got home it was 23c but with extremely high humidity. In the 1980's when I lived down here there was never any humidity, I can only put it down to global warming 😰 The family are all doing well, squaring off to challenges and riding the waves. Princess is still adjusting to her new school and slowly starting to make new friends, her one heart ache is that sport does not seem to be a high priority at her school and so they are looking at club sport for her to join and participate in, she badly wanted to be able to get her full colors in the next two years for sport but as I said to her she could get Provincial colours or even higher if she finds the right sports club 🙏🏻 Folks that it for now, at last CoVid numbers are coming down in the Western Cape and especially in our area, I pray it continues along this vein for the rest of the country and yes even the world. In the meantime stay safe, masked up and sanitized. With love from BB I wish you a good week, Ciao Ciao One of our little visitors watching me

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