Monday 5 October 2020

The Wind Huffed and it Puffed

Good morning everyone from beautiful Bettys Bay. Since yesterday it looks like we might just be approaching spring, that is certainly no guarantee but a possibility. Here we have three or four days a week of having the fire going all day and then a couple of days of sunny, wind free, mild weather so it's a 50/50 situation right now. Praise the Lord our dams are now full as we have had the most wonderful rains. This past week saw some extremely hectic winds in Cape Town itself, many trees uprooted and blocking roadways, roofs blown off in the Strand etc, it was very windy here but no damage reported or possessions flying around. Well, so much for painting the section of wall in our bathroom - I did not even get near the paint tin much less prepare the wall tiles, it just was not on my capability/energy scale. I did however bake rusks (they just seem to vanish into thin air 🤷🏻‍♀️), I did some good cooking and even made a ciabatta bread for the first time this year, yes I know that is shocking given that I used to make one or two a week. We had an odd week with a lot of catching up on chores regarding house maintenance, I did a nice amount of embroidery, sent out some letters to hopefully new distributors, learnt how to 'more or less' use Sheets which is the Google version of Excel. Thank you Poppet for taking time out of your very busy month end to show me what to do and set up the formulas, at least now we can keep an up to date record of what wood/screws etc we have and when we are running low. It is amazing how much time Admin takes up, I had forgotten. For the first time I noticed a very significant reaction with regard to Fibromyalgia and the change in weather. We went from hot and sunny to freezing cold and wet overnight and my body was not impressed, it pushed me into a flare which I'm not quite out of hence no painting. Yesterday just doing my embroidery was too much for my arms, beyond annoying is what it is. We have also come to the end of birthdays for the year, Poppet celebrated her birthday on Saturday and I truly pray this is the last one we cannot celebrate with her. Hubby dearest celebrates his 71st today and is exactly 30 yrs and 2 days older than Poppet. His celebration of choice for today was to go out for a nice breakfast which is what we will be doing. By this time next month we will have the keys for Poppet and Princess' beautiful new home down here prior to their big move. They have been very blessed to find a home within spitting distance of Princess' new school, it is an Estate within a secure Estate and utterly gorgeous. The Bears have bought their first 'home' which is equally beautiful and very 'them', a loft apartment in Gardens, Cape Town, in a much quieter more peaceful area, the only downside is the beach and promenade are not just a three minute walk away. So much change wherever I look, but change for the good. I have to give a 'hats off to Big Guy' here as well, he started a brand new job in a totally different field in January and although things have been incredibly rough and uphill with CoVid 19 and the lockdown he has, through sheer grit, prayer and determination, continued to work really hard, storing up contracts for as and when Lockdown levels drop and is doing very well. To all of our children, and grand children, we admire your work ethic, and the people you are, We could not be prouder. Well folks that brings me to the end of today's Blog, I wish you a wonderful week. Climb those mountains, fight the battles and enjoy the victories. Stay safe and say well. Ciao ciao Charlie looking to share my food.
My completed quilt squares to date.

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