Sunday 11 October 2020

Interesting times

Hello all on this beautiful Monday morning, I hope everyone had a good weekend and you are all ready for the new week. We had an unusual weekend - it didn't rain all the time😀. Saturday was cool and we have had a lot of wind but yesterday was a little warmer and eventually the wind died down, leaving a very quiet little Village with only the sound of birds and the sea to keep us company. Weather wise, we had a mild week, no major lows or highs just a comfortable temperature. As usual lots of things going on in and around the house, it just never ends. We have had a leaking sink plug hitch Hubby replaced only to discover yesterday that three of the pipes themselves were loose and also, leaking grrrr. We were without internet on Friday and after trying all the usual tricks we called our service provider who came out very quickly and changed a cable (which they had replaced only three weeks ago). The Technician said he would come back on Saturday morning and when he did it was to discover that the cable from the Antenna to the Wi-Fi Router was full of water, with all the rains and winds, the cable had somehow sucked in water like a straw and then it 'fritzed' the antenna's electronics. So, we now have a new, thicker cable AND a new smalle, but stronger dish/antenna, such fun🤦🏻‍♀️😬. Hubby has been quite busy as we received an order for a few more Embroidery Stands as well as two big Grandfather clocks which came in. Along with that there are also some furniture items on the agenda from Poppet and Princess for when they move down. Things have come together nicely for them with regard to their move and as far as I know, everything is now booked and ready to roll. I will be able to get their keys at the end of this month which will enable me to measure up for curtains where needed and also take delivery of anything that needs to be delivered. The rest of the family are all well and very busy from what I can tell, they were all fairly quiet last week. Last Monday for Hubbys birthday we took ourselves off for breakfast at a lovely little restaurant in Pringle Bay, so much atmosphere, fantastic food and really friendly hosts, thank you La Galleria for a lovely morning. From there we 'explored' a teeny bit by going down to the small beach in PB. It is small and secluded but an easy path to access it, there also has a lovely bench to sit on above the sand. Charlie eventually got his feet onto the beach and was more interested in all the new smells than actually venturing into the water, he really enjoyed his outing and is such a well behaved little boy when it comes to going out with me, we just need to conquer his travel sickness and then do longer trips. So far, on the short local trips he does well. Today he is going with us into Hermanus so here is holding thumbs (and taking a towel with hehe) This week is already looking busy, oh my !!! I'm still on my quest with the bedroom /bathroom make over, I haven't painted the wall yet but yesterday I got fed up with the floor so I grabbed my small steam machine, floor and tile cleaner, scrubbing brush and old toothbrush and got down to do some cleaning. Well ............. perhaps overdid it just a tad and I can't even say it looks that much better 😏, I did however discover a couple of new uses for the steam machine but was just too tired to get to them. Needless to say I have not put it very far away, it needs to be close to hand. I also did the winter / summer clothes switch over earlier on in the week which is just going to equal more work because I found a few items which could do with some re-purposing and experimentation, this I AM looking forward to doing. My quilting carries on unabated and I am already thinking of what I will make when the big quilt is finished. So folks, no dramas apart from anhialiating a small scorpion I found next to the bed, and no specific events as such. Just a lot of 'life' and all that it entails. We did have a wonderful, surprise visit from friends yesterday afternoon who popped in for coffee, what a joy and just lovely to visit. I wish you all a wonderful week ahead, please stay masked, stay well and stay safe. Please don't get complacent with your CoVid procedures. Ciao ciao. Pringle Bay.

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