Monday 6 April 2020

The fun and games just keep coming .

Good morning everyone on day 10 of South Africa's CoVid lockdown, I hope this finds you all well and  coping with this new temporary world we are living in.  When I was trying to think of news to share with you today I thought it would be a short blog as it was a fairly quiet week.

I did a lot of baking,  rusks, bread - twice, two different batches of biscuits, unraveling a big jersey I made Jelly Bean that she hardly wore, which is about to be reinvented, and a whole lot more, and here I promised myself a quiet, catch up week. Haha.  My very clever Hubby has now got all the rafters and purlins up in place on the deck and now we wait until we can purchase IBR sheeting and move on to the next step.  It is looking fantastic and more and more like a beautiful sun room, yesterday I was up from 6am (read below) and we had the most incredible sunrise.  If the deck was complete I would have made myself a cup of lemon and honey and wrapped up to sit and watch it in all it's magnificence.

Hubby did our weekly stock up for groceries and was stopped in a Police roadblock - all very peaceful, he was questioned as to where he was going and why and then allowed to carry on.  It is definitely a very different world at the moment and one of the biggest moans I hear in the Village is people complaining because they can't walk their dogs or go on the beach, and then 'spy' someone doing just that.  This really irritates me as there are so many bigger problems right now than walking on the beach, it is temporary people - this is not going to last forever.

Never mind how busy little Charlie keep me oh my goodness, this little guy is just too precious for words and somewhere, someone really spent time with him.  From the very first night he placed himself on our bed next to my legs but, as the night progresses he slowly moves up until he is right between the two of us. I remember the wonderful lady collected him for his journey to Johannesburg saying that the night he spent with them he commandeered their bed as well.  Thankfully he is well trained and has a bladder of steel LOL, once he's been out in the morning and is allowed back in, we brace ourselves because he is like a canonball as he launches himself onto the bed and greets me as though I've been away for a month.  He truly dislikes being outside and only goes out when and for as long as necessary and barely leaves my side.  The other two dogs pretty much ignore him and Jasper keeps a weary eye on him.  He and Zeepha have started playing together slowly, slowly which is just so heart warming to watch.
Yesterday morning I was woken by the sound of one of the animals being sick 🤦🏻‍♀️, I lay there trying to gauge how serious it was and when 'it' happened right next to the bed I was up like a shot, can you imagine if Hubby had got up and stepped in something ???  Well it was Zeepha and a tiny little spot of saliva  hmmmmmm, even in my half awake state it didn't add up so I grabbed a torch and examined further.  Arriving in the lounge and with the light on I saw that Jasper had managed to get an egg out of the box on top of the fridge, which had a heavyweight book on top of it, and happily scooted it off the fridge ..... splatt.  Zeepha had obviously licked some and that was what made her sick, Jasper on the other hand had cleaned it all up - he is obsessed with eggs.  URGHHH if there is one smell I cannot tolerate it's the smell of egg, anywhere.  I put Charlie out before cleaning it all up, brought him back in and climbed into bed. First problem, Charlie did not come through to the bedroom so instead of sleeping I lay worrying about what he could be chewing, after about 10 mins I heard a noise and at first thought Jelly Bean was up ............ silence which with kids or animals is NEVER good.  Up I got again,  Hubby just keep on sleeping, not a movement or a sound might I add.  I came through to the kitchen and there was another egg, SPLATT on the glass tea station, oh my word I nearly lost the plot.  For those thinking "well why did you leave the eggs where they were?" I had closed the box and added another very heavy book to the first one and put things in front of the egg box.  This time all the broken yolk and white was splattered all over the table.  So, scold the cat, pick up a tiny piece of shell and clean the entire table with soap and water, the smell..... it was worse that morning sickness.  I put the entire egg box in the oven, the only safe place and AGAIN got back into bed and some time later dozed off.  When we got up for breakfast Hubby helped me move the fridge to clean up all the gross egg and shell that was hardening on the floor, washed the floors, fed the animals, made breakfast and whilst we were eating ....... more mini drama.  I had a large glass fishbowl on our coffee table filled with a candle and pretty shells, in December Princess and Grandpa were playing carpet bowls (in the lounge) and one of them dropped a ball on the glass table which stayed intact but my fishbowl cracked.  I've looked unsuccessfully for a replacement.  While we were eating, no one touching the table, three big pieces of glass just fell off/out of the bowl and onto the table ..........SERIOUSLY ??????? Zeepha immediately wanted to put her head into the hole and play with the broken glass.  Breakfast bowl down and up I get to get another dish for the contents, Zeepha tries putting her entire head into the hole while I am working .  I gave up, just did it all as quick as possible, threw away the broken bowl and tried to restart my day, I was exhausted.

So folks, even in lockdown my life just never stops or gets dull.  After a really long read, I am going to say goodbye for now.  Have a wonderful week, make memories with your family and keep yourselves occupied.  With love to you all please stay home and stay safe ciao ciao

P.s.  If anyone wants to chat or vent or just needs an ear please don't hesitate to contact me, know it is hard being in lockdown and it can get lonely.

Jasper guarding the eggs
 Charlie waiting for me to move
 The deck waiting for its covering 

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