Monday 20 April 2020

Still so busy, when will it slow down?

Good morning everbody from an extremely quiet Betty's Bay, although there is a very real gale blowing, which I imagine is exactly the same wherever you find yourself today.  Obviously there is not much news in terms of 'the outside world' seeing as I haven't actually been out for three weeks, but I can honestly say that things haven't really slowed down all that much.  There always seems to be so much that needs to be done and I just don't get to it as quickly or orderly as I would like.

I have done a lot of baking and yet my list is still long, I will tackle the most important today - rusks and biscuits for both the humans and dogs.  I also stepped out into the 'unknown' this week by beginning my own Sourdough Starter, at this point it is looking very healthy and is now five days old.  I was blessed with a Starter as well by one of the local ladies who is a whizz at baking, currently I am keeping them separate - mostly because I do not know whether you can mix two different starters.  This week I will actually begin the process of trying to bake an authentic Sourdough Bread, I am quite nervous at the prospect so feel free to watch this space.  Hubby has kept himself busy with various jobs around the house so never really a quiet day.  I must be honest that given the restriction in availability of groceries I am finding it somewhat of a challenge to keep meals interesting even to the point of not having much enthusiasm for cooking.  As I thought about this I think part of then 'problem' is not doing the shopping - I write my dear Hubby a list which is fairly general and top up, if I was actually in the shop I would see different things which would then spark ideas for meals.  I also found this week, for some weird reason that I am craving red meat which I have not eaten for nearly three years because I found it hurt my stomach, hmmm haven't resolved that 'craving' yet.  In one desperate attempt I decided to make a savory curried 'mince' dish using a popular brand of vegetarian products' veggie mince ........... all I can say is MAJOR FAIL.  It was disgusting, awful, terrible, beyond words.  We have used all their other products which are fantastic but this one is a NO NO Ughhhhh.
Just because life is quiet that does not mean we haven't had our normal share of fun and games.  One in particular that stands out happened on Saturday.  We had one of those absolutely perfect days and  taking advantage of it Jelly Bean bathed Sasha and got her all sparkly.  Hubby then set up to bath Max and we called for him, we looked everywhere - nothing, so he jumped into the car and drove around the area for about 20 minutes and as his car pulled into the driveway Sasha and Charlie barked, lo and behold Max barked ....... the little beggar had been hiding under the couch, there was nothing else to do but just laugh.  Yesterday Charlie had his turn and looked like a white Pom Pom running around, they all really need the doggie groomer as they are all looking a tad wild and wooly.

The family are all good although facing the challenges is not easy as it affects jobs and not just our day to day living.  They like the rest of us, all now well into our fourth week of lockdown and like everyone else,  will be beyond happy to return to normal life.  I am so very aware that  it is so easy for people to feel depressed, abandoned and isolated, it frustrates me because there is nothing any of us can do other than be there to listen and pray.  Please check in with your friends and family, sometimes a bright smile hides a broken heart.

Well folks apart from listing my day to day timetable, that's all for this week, it would be wonderful to hear what sorts of projects you are all busy with, perhaps you would like to share in the comments section at the bottom. Please look after yourselves, stay home and stay safe.  Ciao ciao.

Photo taken from inside the house on Saturday - my daily view, I am truly blessed.

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