Monday 5 February 2018

Visits, catch ups, busy, busy!!!!

Good morning all wow what a week.  I remember someone asking what are you going to do with yourselves when you retire?  Well retirement so far has proven to be far busier than before, it just never stops and I am so glad I have my best friend to travel this journey with.   Last week was quite a busy week with a lot of time taken up by CeCe whose bladder infection is now gone, although at the moment we are beginning to suspect that there is some sort of neurological damage as she does not do the things normal kittens do, for example trying to climb on the furniture, meowing, purring, using the litter box (oh joy) or playing with her toys which all have bells or crinkle sounds.  The closest she has come to playing was last night lying on my lap, on her back and flailing her arms at a small cloth I dangled over her.   Jasper just loves this new 'toy' but is quite cautious when she growls at him, my big fluffy Braveheart.  Our bird 'fly through' / nectar bottle is still proving to be a major hit and the birds are becoming tamer every day.  Because of the drought we have even had finches and bulbuls stopping in for a drink, both of which are seed eaters, we are now figuring out how to give them water hehehe.  It's a regular zoo here.

On Wednesday we were so blessed and excited to have time visiting with some very dear friends from Cradock, whom we hadn't seen for quite a few years.  It was such a special visit with non stop talking and catching up.  Thank you guys for coming through and a super visit.

Eventually on Friday I admitted 'defeat' and stayed at home whilst my very precious Hubby went into town to some time with a friend of his on the driving range and then did the weekly shopping.  I am not getting much  opportunity to pace myself at the moment, mostly courtesy of one very small feline, and not very successfully staving off a Fibro flare.  On Saturday afternoon after taking Jelly Bean to work we had a lovely afternoon with friends here who recently adopted a puppy and brought him over for a play date with Max and Sasha and to meet CeCe.  Yesterday Jelly Bean was off and all three of us did as little as possible and really relaxed.

As you can see friends it's non stop just about every day but I would not change our lifestyle for anything, every day I give thanks for where we are and all of Gods blessing on our lives and those of our family.  I wish you all a fantastic week and wherever you go please stay aware and safe.

Such pretty eyes just so sad that they don't work.

Our daily drive. Mountains to the left and ocean to the right, the most beautiful drive.

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