Monday 6 November 2017

A busy week ahead

Greetings friends I hope everyone is well? Is it my imagination or are the weeks flying past ? It sure feels like 2017 is in a big hurry to come to an end. As for us we are very busy trying to get all 'things' in order before our girls arrive in December and before my Darling Hubby has to have surgery. He has had all the tests and we finally saw the Specialist last week who made the decision to operate. That is scheduled for this coming Monday the 13th, it turns out there is quite a bit of damage in his shoulder which he surmises happened at the first injury where the 'long tendon' which attaches to the shoulder was torn and has completely detached, this has resulted in damage to the Rotator Cuff Tendons. Apparently there is no need, in Hubby's case to try and re-attach the long tendon as his strength is not compromised and the pain involved in trying to re-attach it is not worth it just for the 'cosmetic' look. What the Doctor is going to do is completely clean, repair and re-attach the Rotator Cuff Tendon and if possible just place the Long Tendon into its 'normal' groove. He will be in hospital for one night and will have to wear a sling for 6 weeks making sure to keep his arm close to his body. Hence the reason for the busy week ahead as we sort out the caravan and re-arrange bags in storage, transferring things to the 'van', once this is all done my pressure is off as far as the girls visit is concerned and I can then concentrate on getting my Precious Hubby healed. There will obviously be other preparations to be made but the heavy things will be finished.

I have just returned home from taking Jelly Bean into work and yet again find myself giving thanks to God that we chose to live in Betty's Bay, it is always cooler this side of the mountains, getting out of the car in Somerset West is like stepping into an oven, ughh. She is driving so well that I am about to book a final lesson for her and then book her Drivers License Test, which will also help whilst Hubby is out of commission as it will leave me doing double trips until then. Apart from Big Guy have a bad dose of flu and everyone else being constantly busy the family are all well. BigBear launched a new company last week which is a very unique concept, they have formed a company whereby people can hire/rent sporting and adventure goods down here in the Cape when on holiday or even if they want to try something out before committing to purchasing the equipment. The response so far has been fantastic and we expect it to continue the momentum as people spread the word. All goods from tennis racquets to tents, caravans, surf boards, wet suits, even a Harley Davidson (which was the first item advertised with the launch, are insured, given the amount of tourists and holiday makers that visit here this company, GoGet, is providing a huge service. We wish them only success and growth as this baby grows

I was delighted to hear on the news a bit earlier that due to a very gusty, strong, south easter wind which has been blowing since yesterday there were very few major disasters with yesterday being November 5th, apparently most of the twelve designated Fireworks display events were closed early, there were 22 injuries but no major fires and I pray no animals injured. We here in BB had not even one cracker going off, except for one on Saturday morning, last night was silent and peaceful.

Friends I am posting a short video which I took of Jasper this morning playing with his favourite toy, the cut off top of a dog food packet, haha. He has carried his 'toy' from one corner to another for over a month, he is constantly losing it as he scoots it under the sofas to keep it safe, but then I am always needed to dig it out. This morning I looked at him and asked him where his toy was, he immediately looked at the cat wand, his next favourite toy and what I use to retrieve his paper with, walked over to it, looked at me and then went and stood behind the sofa, eventually when I found his toy, with great excitement he began his antics. This cat totally has my heart in his paws and as Hubby says, he knows it. When I bake he has to sit right next to the bowl and inspect EVERY ingredient as it goes in, quite the little busybody.

Apart from asking you for your prayers for Hubby's operation and quick recovery folks, I am going to end off for this week and wish you an excellent week. I would like to encourage you with this thought  - in the your encounters with people this week, let's spread love and kindness. It is so easy to get frustrated with other people whether it is in the shops, at work, at school or anywhere, but before
saying anything just take a moment to think whether the person you are frustrated with is having a bad day, not feeling well, dealing with something no one knows about. It is so easy to greet people with a smile and be polite and pleasant, instead so many people take out their frustration on whoever it is and then it becomes a vicious cycle. We can change a persons whole day just by kindness, being polite and considerate. Stay safe out there and make good memories.

Jasper at play.

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