Monday 5 June 2017

The 100th Blog I can hardly believe it

Gosh this is my 100th Blog I can hardly believe it, thank you all so much for your continued support and interest over this past year and I am looking forward to sharing many more adventures and stories to come. If I think how much in our lives has changed since I started and all the new friends I've made it feels like a lifetime of events, ups and downs and let's not forget all the photographs.

At the moment the topic on everyone's lips at the moment is the massive storm/cold front that is moving in on the Western Cape and expected to hit land on Wednesday, bringing winds of up 100kmph (in our area) with predictions of up to 80mm of rain as well as snow on the high mountains. We did have some rain on Saturday which was a forerunner and the weather has at last turned cold, what has amazed me is that after only one day of rain and when I stand outside all I can hear is the myriads of small frogs in the fynbos - they've obviously been there for awhile but no sound which must mean they are clearly delighted, my explanation. My darling Hubby has been up on the roof to check that all is secure, he has wedged the dog's kennel firmly so that it won't be blown away - you may laugh but the wind last year totally smashed our plastic garden table and some of you may remember that we would find the dog bowls around the corner of the house, that means they were blown off the deck and over the 2.5m wall. When he told me about securing the kennel I burst out laughing because I had this image of the kennel blowing over the deck with Max peering out in surprise. The folks in Cape Town and the areas where severe water restrictions are in place have buckets at the ready and in general there is an air of excitement and readiness. The media are also asking people to stay off the roads where possible, no problem for us, Jelly Bean is off and I have no intention of moving. I feel desperately sorry for a friend of mine who lives nearby, they bought their property eighteen months ago and only found out after moving in that house is actually very unsafe, certificates were not genuine and there is currently much legal negotiating going on, the problem for them is that they actually move out of their home during big storms or high winds in case it actually does collapse or the roof comes off. I'm really praying for them to get resolution quickly so that they can enjoy their home.

This last week has been fairly normal we actually got to see a couple of whales whilst driving which caused great excitement and then on Saturday when I took Jelly Bean into work I saw a pod of dolphins, just merrily swimming along the coast, destination unknown. I managed to pull over and took a video but it's definitely not 'public' quality hehe. One of my greatest delights is the trips into town and what we can spot.

On the Sourdough Bread front progress is definitely being made, my starter is thriving, loaves are being baked and eaten and I have found that I can use the discarded starter for baking other delicious morsels. Every time you feed the starter you have to discard some before adding the 'new feed' which seemed such a waste until I got onto Pinterest and wow there was a whole new area to branch into. Yesterday I was so blessed to be able to Skype with all the girls and grand children, Poppet, Princess who is in the midst of exams, Miss Muffet, her Hubby and both the boys who are very busy learning cricket so I got to see their cricket bats and ball. Skype is a wonderful thing to help us all keep in contact and bridge the distance gap a little. Last week we also took a trip into Cape Town central where we did some shopping and then met with BigBear for a wonderful lunch, such a treat, which leaves Big Guy as the only one I haven't seen with my eyes this last week.

Well friends we have a very dirty dog who is in dire need of a bath so I will end off this 100th Blog by again saying thanks for being there, have a fantastic week and please, please, wherever you are be safe.

Jasper striking a pose.

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