Sunday 4 August 2024

Finally August has arrived.

 Good morning friends and family, I hope today's Blog finds you all well and ready for the new week.  Weather wise winter was late and arrived with typical Cape ferocity.  My goodness so much rain, it has been amazing.  Something I haven't seen in many years is days and days of continuous rain.  We had a few days break this past week but then Saturday evening down it came and rained all day yesterday. Happy Blogger 🙂

Where to start ?  so much happening all the time.  Hubby had his Op ten days ago and was discharged on day 3.  He is doing extremely well and hardly had any pain or discomfort from the actual operation site. He has struggled a bit with sciatica in the other leg, but that too is now easing and he is more and more mobile every day. At the beginning of the month I had a very bad fall, where I tripped over the sliding door frame and landed, literally, flat on my face. This left me with stars in my eyes, a goose egg above my eyebrow and a beaut of a black eye.  Good grief, Hubby's comment was the foundations of the house shook 🤦🏻‍♀️. The eyebrow is still sore but otherwise all healed.  I eventually saw "the family" Orthopaedic Surgeon who is incredibly kind and experienced.  He has confirmed that I will have to have a knee replacement but because a lot of the pain is being caused by a torn Meniscus he waited until Friday to inject the knee with Cortisone as he wanted the most pain free period for when Baby arrives.  It was jolly sore but is helping keeping that intense pain at bay.  Ho Hum.

TODAY is the day that our little Grandbaby enters the world.  Wow what a wait and sooo much excitement.  I will be able to go in and see them on Tuesday whoop, whoop.  Hubby won't be coming with but Jelly Bean is going to come with as the second Grandparent hehe.  The Bears are more than prepared and I think MORE than ready for this day.  A huge wait for me between Princess and this little one, 21 yearas, but well worth the wait.  I actually felt a little at a loose end over the weekend as I finished off all projects and did not quite know what to do with my hands.

I have just recently just completed not only Ollie the Octipus for baby, but also another two for JB and Princess made from different yarn and more as stress type toys. I have a though of making them, both for babies and bigger as stress tools and selling them. Also completed was  a long discussed and planned Balaclava Hoodie for a very good friend.  it took some doing finding a pattern in English as the majority are in Russian.  When I did find one it was for a completely different weight of wool and eventually I used it only as a guide and amended it as I went.  The final test will be when she receives it and does it fit ? Here is crossed fingers 🤞 

As per usual, in our family, August is birthday month with a vengeance, and now we have another birthday HaHaHa.  Just immediate family there are four of us and then on Baby Bear's side another two or three.  Last week Big Guy sent a message saying It's birthday month people ..."

Work has been coming in steadily, and God has been so good to me, when I have crazy medical/busy weeks it always seems to slow down to a manageable level.  I had to turn down a job for the very first time last month, which I found very difficult to do.  I had been asked to re-make the seats on restaurant chairs which were a very thick woven plactic type of fabric.  I managed to make and cut the pattern and that is where it all came to a halt.  My domestic sewing machine was just completely unable to sew it.  The bottom line of stitching would just pull right out as it was not catching underneath.  I hate turning someone away but thankfully the client was more than understanding.

Poppet's trip tp Australia went very well, as the previous company she worked for also had offices there and so this time she had friends and got to do a lot of touristy things.  She even went especially to Bondi Beach and took pics for me, she didn't meet any of the Life Guards though haha.  She also got back on the Padel Court yesterday for the first time in three months, after pulling a tendon, so is a very happy camper. It is good to have both her and Big Bear back in the country and home.  His trip to the USA also was a great success and thank the Lord baby stayed right where it was and there were no emergencies.  I am really missing Big Guy and Princess at the moment, especially with baby's arrival today and all the birthdays. If I could wave a magic wand, all my family would be in the same City.

Well folks, that all for now (as they used to say in the cartoons).  I wish you all a wonderful August, make the most of every opportunity to make a memory and stay safe and well.

Ciao Ciao

The  Balaclava/Hoodie and Octipi family.

The bottom part tucks under and then covers the nose and mouth to keep warm 

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