Friday 7 June 2024

Somehow June snuck up on me ...

Good morning world, wow apologies folks I woke up at about 3.20 and could not get back to sleep.  Once my mind switched on 💡 I suddenly realised that I am late with this months Blog.  So, here I sit at 4.43 catching up on my life.  The world is still, I am wrapped up in a blanket,  if I listen carefully I can hear the waves breaking on the shore and now and again the patter of soft rain on the roof.  Sadly because I am up both the cats think it should be breakfast time and are wandering around expectantly ( not happening guys hehe).  Up until now we haven't  really had much of a winter, yes cooler temperatures but not winter, until last Friday when the wind and rain arrived with a vengeance and is still around. There is also snow over many areas of the country.  Needless to say we have had our fire going - to create the perfect scene right now the embers should still be glowing and I should have a hot cup of tea in my hand but, nope the fire is dead and I have not put the kettle on because that would probably wake the entire household.

May was a very busy month with work and everything that just seems to happen without planning or warning.  The family are all doing well, what more can a Mom ask for?  Hubby has a scheduled back op at the end of July to fix the  two vertebrae which are causing him a lot of sciatica pain.  Next week sees my precious Princess turn 21, oh where has the time gone? We are obviously not going to be able to see her but she is coming down on the 21st and we will be making a point of celebrating then.   I know that I for one am counting sleeps until then, we miss her so, so much.  Preparations for Baby are ramping up and added to that the lady who works for the Bears, has a daughter who only found out she was pregnant at 27 weeks, four weeks later she gave birth to the tiniest little human. Who is doing extremely well. Obviously they were all caught unaware as the couple were not planning on having another child.  My heart went out to them and I put out an appeal on one of our local Whats App groups for preemie baby clothes.  Well, never in my wildest dreams did I expect the result.  People were absolutely amazing and baby things came flooding in. I managed to knit up a few pairs of the tiniest booties you can imagine, they just fitted onto my thumb. There were clothes from preemie to older, someone donated a cot and a baby bouncy chair, blankets, books, even brand new preemie vests in their original sealed packaging from Sears in the USA.  Given that space in this house is a premium, I stored everything in my car.  Then almost three weeks ago Jelly Bean and I went to house sit for the Bears, it was just so timely and  a much needed little holiday.  When we arrived in Sea Point my dear Picasso looked like a small bakkie.  the family met us there and we transferred all the baby stuff to their vehicle and I could put my seats back in place. 

We truly had the most magical week, looking after the apartment and Panda their gorgeous cat (who has an obsession with being patted on her back just next to her tail - I do mean patted ... until your arms are tired).  JB and I had planned out where we wanted to go beforehand, first of which was to Bloubergstrand and a Mall there which I had heard a lot about.  In all honesty I have to confess, Malls are not my thing, I find that they are so big that I only go to the shops I need to go to and completely miss the rest.  Anyway, we managed to find everything we were looking for and then went to the beachfront for a well deserved cup of coffee. The weather was cold and overcast but that did not deter us in the least.  One night we were treated to a wonderful meal at La Boheme, which is a very smart restaurant (thank you guys for that). Next we went through to Camps Bay which in all honesty was a disappointment.  It used to be such a special place with views hard to equal.  The views are still there, but the overall feel of the area has gone down considerably and yet very flashy hmmmm, sad to see.  Then I took the r

oad back to Sea Point that goes over the neck of Table Mountain, again it was rainy and overcast, but it was also a bit of a sight seeing trip for JB.  On the Saturday we went to the Oranjezicht Morning Market ( which is no longer in Oranjezicht, it is down next to the Waterfront.)  Again not quite what I was expecting but, what a vibe.  It is 99% food stalls from every conceivable country, a few fresh produce stalls with unusual products and a few stalls selling clothing etc.  Talk about busy, Oh my word, it felt like the entire city was there, it is obviously  a popular meeting place.  After that we went back to the apartment and curled up with blankets and binge watched a series on TV.  As with all good holidays neither of us was ready to come back home and back to routine, but hey that is life. 

I have managed every now and then to get some Diamond Dot painting done between knitting and working.  Thank the Lord that the work keeps coming in and in most cases always involves a challenge of some sort.  The latest ''bundle' that arrived yesterday is going to test not just me, but my sewing machine as well.  It is to replace the plastic seating on patio chairs for a local restaurant - eeeek, if it turns out successfully I will post a pic or two at the end of the job.

Well folks it is still pitch black here, the cats have settled down, the rain still patters on the roof and the rest of the world (and family) still sleeps, Charlie has joined me so perhaps I can go back to bed and join them hehe.  I have just seen another weather advisory for wind and damaging rain, so it is going to be a blanket and hot tea kind of weekend.  Again my apologies for the four day late posting of this Blog.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, let someone know how much you love / appreciate them. Stay safe and well. Ciao Ciao.

Sunset in Sea Point.

Bloubergstrand looking across the Bay to Cape Town, 

Driving to Camps Bay with a peek down to Clifton, the home of millionaires. 

Camps Bay

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