Monday 2 January 2023

Wishing everyone a peace filled 2023

Good morning everyone and a Happy New Year to each one of you.  My prayers and wishes for this year are that we take time for ourselves, that we don't get caught up on energy/peace sapping treadmills - whatever they may be, making time to do things that feed our souls and, just a gentle year.

As I reflected back on December I realised that it was the quietest December we've ever had.  By that I mean we usually have Big Guy come and visit, Princess usually comes as well and last year neither were able to make it. Princess was busy travelling around the country haha and she and her boyfriend, C, will be coming to spend a few days with us this month yippeee.   December proved to be on of the toughest months of the year within the family but, I can honestly say that no matter where we are, our very different personalities when one family member is hurting we band together in an unbreakable wall and do what needs to be done.  Family I could not be prouder of each of you and to be Mom of such strong diverse family.  Love you all beyond infinity. We did as a big family group all get together at the " girls" house on Christmas Day including Baby Bear's Mom and two cousins.  The only South Africa family missing was Big Guy - how I missed him.  Christmas Day was wonderful, full of laughs, good conversations and stellar food which the guys took upon themselves to braai.  It was a day of easy schedules and good company. Thank you all for making it a really memorable day.

About two or three weeks before Christmas we had some incredibly heavy rains which did considerable damage particularly to our beautiful Clarence Drive.  For that period of time we were having to travel back towards Hermanus, then link up with the N2 and go through Grabouw and over Sir Lowry's Pass.  With all the traffic being diverted to this route which is normally incredibly busy, a trip to Somerset West took anything between 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  😢. Thankfully we have a very good Municipal area in that sense and within two weeks they instigated a stop and go system for one lane whilst they repaired and are still busy reinforcing the outer lane.

I slowly managed to tick off some domestic chores which I usually have all finished by year end. Not everything  was done but in line with  my attitude to this year, I will do things in my own time and not with my mental stop watch ticking down.  I repaired a very big glass bottle that was cracked using clear epoxy and am delighted that it was a successful repair.  Currently I am piecing together a display decorative plate, which was knocked off the wall, with the same epoxy.
I did finish my Diamond Painting on the 30th and am Sooo happy with it.  I absolutely loved every minute spent on it.  Now to seal it and frame it then I will post a pic.  On the 31st I started my next one, gifted to me by Jelly Bean.  This one is of Table Mountain taken from afar just after sunset.   Oooh makes my fingers tingle hehe.

Hubby has built the benches on the deck, today I have volunteered to start painting them and we will soon be ordering the foam and covers. 👏🏻👏🏻
He has also received a large order to make 18 picture frames for an old client.  Always lots on the go here.
Yesterday I suggested a quick trip to Kleinmond, just something to mark the beginning of the new year.  Oh dear sometimes my plans go in the opposite direction.  I took the dogs with thinking they would enjoy the outing while we had a civilised cup of coffee.  Yikes ... They (Mostly Sasha) cried and whined every second.  We ran into the supermarket for a couple of essentials and then ditched the coffee idea for an ice cream at the Harbour.  🤦🏻‍♀️. First of all with all the carrying on I just parked - facing the toilets.  Just then the phone rang so I was juggling dogs and the call while Hubby went for the ice creams.  When he came back they were already melting so there was no time to turn the car around and enjoy the view, it was a case of lick fast.  Mine had a flake chocolate in it and when I was about half way I tried to push the chocolate in deeper 🤔🙄 three guesses to the fact that it didn't work and I ended up with flakes of melting chocolate ALL over my top and pants.  I just heard a snigger from behind me as Jelly Bean exploded with laughter, Hubby joined in .... Oh me, oh my.  I jumped out and managed to brush it all off, still licking my cone.  By then the dogs had jumped out with me and as I got back into the car they jumped in.  Sasha was struggling to get in and I pulled her lead with my left hand trying to pull her in.  Meanwhile more laughter from the back of the car - I had pushed Hubby's head into his ice cream whilst stretching out my arm.  What can I say, we just finished and came home, a journey I might add where both dogs were totally silent 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Folks that's it, my primer paint awaits as does my first load of washing which needs to be hung up.  I truly pray that each of you has a wonderful month, that you don't jump straight onto the hamster wheel but find ways of slowing down and taking time to enjoy your life.  I am looking forward to a year of  opportunities, lots of reading and crafting.  Building ever stronger bonds with family and friend and doing more of what I want to do.
Be safe on the roads and wherever you go and stay healthy.  Ciao ciao 

Snapshots of the month.
Little Zeepha helping with wrapping.

Charlie taking a moment.

The moment I  get off

Repaired bottle. 

Zeepha's box obsession 


Anonymous said...

Hello. Happy new year to you. My name is Joan and I'm from Bloemfontein. I follow your blog and enjoy reading about your life in Betty's Bay. I've been there for a holiday and had a super time, although windy. Here's hoping you have a super 2023 with good health. Thanks for sharing your life with us

My Life's Winding Roads said...

Hi Joan, thank you for your message, it is such an encouragement to get positive feedback. Wishing you a very blessed 2023.