Monday 25 July 2022

Always something happening.

Good morning folks wherever you find yourselves.  Firstly I would like to just say thank you for all the kind messages  sent last week after hearing that I am cancer free.  It was all your prayers, love and support that carried me through this past year.  I am delighted to also be able to say that Poppet has also just finished her annual tests and has received the same wonderful news of being cancer free.  We give our Father God all the glory.

Well not the quietest week in history but then we all know that those are quite rare haha.  There is a lot going on within the family, all good, which I should be in a position to share with you next week
hopefully.  We've had some lovely cool weather and a fairly good amount of rain; this has resulted in some lovely cosy days and even more cosy fires 😍.  I went in for my first Physio session and at least I now have some answers. It would appear that I have  Rotator Cuff injuries in both shoulders, although much more so in the left, hence all the pain and limited mobility.  So now I'm busy with exercises and further Physio to clear it all up, ho hum 🙄.  After Physio I had a visit with the Plastic Surgeon's Nursing Sister who very kindly removed about 7 internal stitches which had been poking through my skin, THAT was not fun , but I am just glad they are out.  There are still a few more which are too deep as yet to pull out.   
There was a very funny evening (in retrospect) which turned out to be educational as well.  We were watching television when I heard Charlie barking outside.  When we hear them barking we usually call them back inside which I duly did.  Within seconds JB sounded the alarm to the most hideous smell, I'm not talking just a bad smell, I mean truly hideous, like being in the back of a garbage truck.  Charlie was also desperately rubbing his face on the mat.  Groaning and somewhat annoyed I sniffed around and on finding it was mostly his face and head, pulled out the shampoo and towel while I tried to clean as much as I could, all the while chastising him for rolling in pooh.  The wierd thing is there was nothing stuck on or in his fur 🤔, strange.  Later that evening Hubby let them both out for their last trip of the evening and Charlie barely moved from his side.  While they were out there I was in bed and thought to myself that, if I didn't know better I would have said he got sprayed by a skunk.   Whilst in town the following day I mentioned it to the vet whilst  collecting something,  she immediately said "oh but you have skunks in Betty's Bay and badgers too".  Well blow me over with a feather.  I know we have mongoose behind the garage, otters near the rivers but I did not know we have skunks and badgers.  Apparently mongoose, badgers and skunks spray their anal fluid when threatened.  I was speechless, the best we can figure from the smell, the fact that it was just his face /head and him furiously rubbing his eyes/nose on the mat is -  he must have cornered a skunk and whilst barking at it, Monsieur Skunk just turned around and let rip with his vile fluids. Who knew we had skunks ? Not us that's for sure haha.  He was quite cautious outside for a day or two and now back to his normal, irrepressible self. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Truly there is never a dull moment.

On Saturday the Bandy Clan came through and we spent a lovely day in front of the fire, eating comfort food and catching up.  JB spent the afternoon helping Princess with a big English task she had.  She is still on her crutches and in the leg brace, beyond frustrated with both would be an accurate assessment.
Hubby  managed to get some Grandfather Clocks sorted out as well as one particular watch that he has waited for 6 months for the part to arrive.
Miss Muffet and her family will be visiting SA in a couple of weeks for the first time in a long time.  It has been so long since we saw them and the boys have grown from toddlers to Pre teens.  We are looking forward to having them spend some time with us and 
catching up there as well.

I wish you all a blessed week, stay safe and healthy folks, oh ... and stay away from skunks, badgers and mongoose.  May God give you wisdom and strength to turn each day into a victory.  Ciao Ciao.

 A very unhappy Charlie after his adventure.

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