Sunday 4 July 2021

Winter wonderful winter

Good morning everyone, gee whizz I can hardly believe it is the second half of the year already the months just seem to fly by. What wonderful weather we have had for the past 10 days or so, so much blessed rain and some really chaotic, strong winds. When the wind is howling in full force it sometimes feels like the whole house vibrates. Hubby has decided that he is going to add more screws to the deck roof, it has stood strong and sturdy but really takes a hammering so for extra peace of mind and strength there will be some more hardware added - our gale force winds here go to 100 km and over at times, so no exaggeration. He had to drive between Betty's Bay and Rooi Els twice this week and both times it was a physical struggle to keep the car steady on the road. Thank the Lord some of our historical roof leaks are now fixed but, oh my word this week we 'grew' some new ones in the strangest places, so back up on the roof with a magnifying glass as soon as the wind and rain stop. Currently we are trying to track down either sliding glass doors or double glass doors for the deck, Hubby can't install our beautiful windows until we know the size of the doors and once we do that then we are close to sealing up the room from the elements which will be an enormous blessing. I am also trying to find a glass dome, I think I mentioned that one of the clock clients had given him a box of clock spares in order to fix an Anniversary Clock they had - this clever man fixed the clock and managed to rebuild an identical one for us which is now working, all that is missing now is the glass dome to fit over the base, it is like looking for chickens teeth 😂😂. The two Embroidery Stands we sent out to private clients were received and both ladies were absolutely ecstatic and beyond excited to have them, they even posted pics on FB of their work clipped in and in progress 😁. The family are all doing really well, with Princess now on school holiday after receiving a wonderful report, especially as her new school is a completely different education system. The girls spent time here with us this weekend and apart from Poppet cooking the most delicious meal, Princess made the hugest and most decadent brownies, I figured it was worth the tummy ache for the once off indulgence yum YUMM, it was so good to spend some chill time with them. Our Grandsons in the U.K. are also growing so jolly fast and between school, football and all their other activities they are now well on their way to being accomplished little skiers, they are taking ski lessons and have made so much progress. Well done all of you for being such awesome human beings. From my side it was not the easiest of weeks but I still managed to get quite a few things done and am well into knitting Jelly Bean's shrug wrap. After one or two false starts I got going but was having difficulty with the needles being too heavy, I've never had this problem before, anyway I happened to ask my dearest Hubby to get me circular needles and then forgot all about it. On Thursday when he got home from the shopping he had not forgotten and presented me with the correct size circular needles. What a difference !!!!!! The needles are just the right length to fit my hands and now that all the weight and pressure if off and I am positively motoring along. On a quick side note our little Zeepha is just the cutest cat, she feels the cold terribly and is not by nature a lap cat, in winter I usually put her 'jersey' on - she is not crazy about it but it certainly helps a little. This week I have watched her become a true little sun follower, every ten minutes or so she changes position around the room as she follows the sunbeam as it moves across, some of the places she perches on are quite ridiculous but as long as the sun is there she will sit. Jelly Bean even found her sitting ON the gas plate on the stove (the gas was off), I have said to Hubby that we need a metal 'lid' to put down on top of the burner plates when they are not in use and when the lid is 'up' it will act as a back splash screen 🤔🤔. It has also been really encouraging to see how restaurants nationwide and especially locally have adjusted to the new lockdown Level and are doing everything they can to keep business going. There is one thing I can say for South Africa, we don't give up and are an innovative nation, we will always a way #proudSouthAfican, we don't get many things correct here but when we are pushed against the wall we pull together and many things can and are accomplished. Well folks we are at the start of a new week, a new month, the second half of the year and I wish you all a truly blessed week. May the work of your hands prosper, the peace of God fill your hearts and homes and please stay safe and well. Ciao ciao. Gorgeous view on our way into town on Friday - Clarence Drive just after the Blousteen cave.

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