Sunday 13 December 2020

Tis eleven days until Christmas

Wow we have eleven days until Christmas ....... after an unbelievably strange and 'quiet' year December crept up on some of us and exploded onto the calendar with a bang. Good morning everyone I hope you are all staying well and safe. Shooo my head has been spinning, it's like we made up for the last nine months in the last two weeks. There were quite a few things that should have been seen to during the year and because of Lockdown and sometimes the weather, just never got done. Things like cleaning carpets, washing curtains, washing windows (properly 😁), giving the garden a really good going over etc, we did ALL the above in the last ten days. At one point it felt like Grand Central Station, which in itself is odd as between the three of us there is never much if any traffic apart from watches coming and going. Thank the Lord we managed to get everything done, except painting our bathroom wall 🤦🏻‍♀️😂, I even managed to tidy every cupboard in the house and now know where everything is which, given we don't have a lot of cupboard space is valuable, that session then extended to the hanging storage platform in the garage. Quite an achievement even if I do say so myself. To add to all the crazy Hubby's mobile phone died a miserable and sudden death a couple of weeks ago, he resurrected it and this week it gave a last gasping breath. Because I keep my old phones as backups we were able to do a factory reset on my previous phone and he is now back in touch with the world, although he lost numbers and conversations and today had to post a message about a cuckoo clock who is missing his family and wants to go home. I have mentioned in the past how I have struggled with Charlie and his tummy, it has resulted in vet visits, numerous different kibble food of the range he eats, cooking especially for him, you name it and I have tried it. This week whilst a wonderful lady was busy with our windows we got talking and she suggested I call her aunt who is a Toy Poodle breeder, this I did and OMW . It would appear that we have a solution, I called and this absolute gem took all the time I needed to ask questions, and gave me solid answers. Charlie had been vomiting every night in the early morning hours and despite a voracious appetite had lost a bit of weight since he arrived here he was also having a 'fasting' really unwell day every two days. After a long chat she suggested his liver was not functioning correctly and gave me a list of natural/herbal medication, the 'correct' kibble and tinned food with all the instructions on how to administer and feed him. That was on Tuesday, I immediately went to Kleinmond and after four shops managed to get everything (not a cheap shopping trip 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️). I started him on the new regime immediately and please God so far I have a new doggy on my hands, we have not seen one negative or prior type of behavior since Tuesday. So I am praying that we finally have the answer and we are boosting his liver function as well. My thanks knows no bounds to this wonderful woman in Sedgefield for her wisdom, experience and help. On Friday we went through to SW and did as much preparation as we could for the girls' arrival tonight, everything is ready for them and Jill and Boude (dog and cat). Late this afternoon we will go through and await their arrival, welcome them home and settle them in, their furniture is being packed and loaded right now and will arrive on Friday. Just before we left on Friday Hubby and I went through the garage to make sure we had not forgotten anything and on the way back to the house I misjudged the top step and fell, again. At the time it was just too much, I was already very sore with Fibro and that was just the last straw, happily no injuries other than every muscle seemed to be rearranged and pulled, as a result I spent 90% of the weekend on the bed and am at last starting to feel just a little less stiff and sore. I really must watch where and how I walk. A major frustration for the Bears currently is that they still have no fixed moving date. They were originally supposed to move into their new home this week but it appears that the 'seller' had a heart attack and that has slowed down the apartment from actually being available. My heart goes out to them as the uncertainty is frustrating to say the absolute least and I am praying for a speedy resolution for them to be able to get settled. Princess ended her 2020 school year on a fantastic note, after what has hands down been the most challenging year for every scholar and her unbelievable self discipline and determination she has been promoted to Grade 11 with endorsement for Bachelors Degree. Well done and congratulations my beautiful girl, we are so proud of you that we could burst and you can pat yourself in the back knowing you did good and deserve a good rest now, and congratulations to Poppet on raising an amazing young lady. Big Guy will be arriving in Cape Town on Friday and we will all be together for the first time in almost two years, thank You Father God for creating a way and making it all possible. Now that I have literally scratched everything off my 'to do' list, I'm not quite sure how my week will pan out except for having my girls here and hopefully relaxing with them and seeing them and, next week Big Guy relax and unwind. Hopefully I can get to some baking and back to my quilting. Folks, that's is all for now, a new week lies before us and I pray that each of you reading this stays well and safe. A word from my heart to you as things escalate in the next two weeks everywhere please take time to breathe and take care of yourself, I am going to endeavor to do the same. Ciao ciao for now. My favourite little bird - a young mousebird drinking some water

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