Sunday 15 November 2020


Wow, it's Monday again where did the week go ? Hi everyone I hope you are all staying well and healthy? Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the week just disappeared ........ whooosh !! I know that some of you think my life is very busy and, yes I agree it can be, last week however, takes the cake, even by my standards. First off let me say this - I had not really put much thought into why things are always so busy, but on Saturday whilst chatting with the family I could finally verbalize what I do. In short I set myself daily / weekly goals that either 'have' to be done or 'I want' to get done. On the former I really don't have much of a choice - all that goes into keeping a home and it's occupants clean, baking rusks, washing curtains etc. The latter consists of things that are not crucial for the week, they need to be done but it wouldn't be a huge train smash if they wait until next week - that darn bathroom wall, me making something just because I want to etc. Until chatting on Saturday this is just what I did but, whilst we spoke I realized that I set myself these goals because of one fundamental reason, I refuse to allow Fibromyalgia to define who I am. Many people with Fibro can easily find themselves all but bed ridden because of the exhaustion /pain etc, it is easier to stay in bed and try and sleep through the exhaustion and so on. Firstly just because of who I am that is not an option, secondly I get too sore lying in bed 😂, so my way of thumbing my nose at the condition, sometimes to my detriment, is to try and do what I would normally do. Does that make sense ? Anyway all that aside, last week was BUSY, but also SO good. On Monday we snuck in another visit with our friends who were visiting the Cape, we took them to Pringle Bay and had a wonderful time sitting in the sun having afternoon tea before saying a very emotional goodbye, it still feels strange knowing I won't see them for a while. On Tuesday Hubby dearest had his eye check up and I caught up with personal, domestic chores and baking. Wednesday I got a bee in my bonnet and hauled out the spare set of slipcovers for our two couches and dId the switch around, goood GRIEF it was hard work. We did everything but even before we got them all on and I knew it was not going to 'work' 🤷🏻‍♀️ but, it gave me the opportunity I've been needing to wash the white covers - eight cushion covers and two of the 'whole chair' covers which I eventually did on Friday - SIX loads in my big, top loader washing machine. Thursday was up early and into Somerset West for the second cataract procedure, this time Jelly Bean and Charlie stayed at home. The procedure when fantastically well and apart from the weather being 35c all was good. After leaving the Specialist I had to meet the agent to get the keys for Poppet's house, do a check through list with the agent as well as take delivery of some furniture that was being delivered. 😂 It all happened at the same time and we drove through the Estate in a convoy with the truck bringing up the rear. While Hubby supervised the unloading of the truck we got busy doing the handover of the house, which is absolutely gorgeous, so much so that before we left I did a video walk throughout for them from side to side. We arrived home to slightly cooler weather and then heard all about Charlie and how he behaves when I leave. Oh dear 🤦🏻‍♀️, my poor Jelly Bean really had her hands full - apart from crying and being very sad the entire time, he jumped on the coffee table (never been up there before) threw his head back, closed his eyes and howled, three times this was done. My little doggie really does love me. Friday was WASH day and then some and finally on Saturday we refitted all the white slipcovers and bathed the dogs before, Big Bear drove through after lunch and spent the day with us, we had a wonderful braai and watched three episodes of Catching the Sun, a local series about South African Rugby - it is excellent. We chatted, laughed, exchanged news, caught up with our lives and generally filled up our emotional tanks, it was soooo good to have family time. He slept over and left early on Sunday morning as he did a five km run in Grabouw. Sadly we didn't see Baby Bear because she was up in Bloemfontein visiting her mom, so counting the days until our next visit in two weeks. Yesterday I did precisely nothing and actually have nothing planned on my list for this week beyond some recovery time and hopefully cooking a few good meals. In all this Hubby's procedures have been a wonderful success, his world is a much brighter place now and, he still managed to build the first of the three furniture items for Poppet and Princess and we managed to get two Lap Stands ready for 📦 👍🏻 Hehe. Now, THAT my friends I will admit was a very busy week. I saw a post on FaceBook listing the Ten Things About Rerirement, in that number was .. 'Never having enough time to do everything', very true words. On that note folks, I am signing off and heading towards my Embroidery and my book, we will see how this works LOL. I pray each and every one of you has a good week, may your time be multiplied, may God give you wisdom for every situation you face, may you stay well and be filled with peace from His Throne Room. Ciao ciao. Max and Zeepha basking in the sun

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