Monday 30 November 2020

Some shenanigans including whale calls.

Good morning wonderful people, here we are on the last day of November and it's kind of a "where did the year go?" situation, so much has happened and yet so little.

Well, for one I am glad to see the end of this month and am looking forward to December and my biggest Christmas gif/wish has been answered - all the South African family will be together on Christmas Day, I am so excited I could burst.
Well another busy, interesting week behind us, full of highs and lows.  It went fairly predictably as far as weeks go, I actually took some time to re-charge on Wednesday, more by force than desire but it was just as well that I did. Monday evening I found two small pieces of soap so, being the thrifty soul that I am I have one to Jelly Bean and we each put one into the cistern of the toilets.  We are on a conservancy sewage system down here and were already waiting for the municipality to clear the tanks.  They arrived early Tuesday morning but, from then on JB's toilet and ours started emitting very odd noises, it sounded like we had a whale in the piping, almost ghostly sounds of groaning, as well as both loos constantly trickling water. Hubby was baffled which alone is strange.  He was contemplating getting on the roof to see if there were any taps malfunctioning, until ......... late Wednesday evening I decided to look in the cistern 👀 .......... the small piece of soap had wedged itself under the shut off valve, I asked JB to check hers and same story.  Ooops, we removed the soap and in so doing fixed the trickles AND the whales went back to singing in the sea. 🤣🤣🤣 We all had a good giggle and Hubby was extremely relieved.  On Thursday he had another another checkup scheduled with the Specialist and Jelly Bean and I decided it was a good idea to accompany him just in case he had another injection.  We used the opportunity and made four stops getting groceries, dog food, fruit and veg etc in really good time and all agreed at what a peaceful, easy shop it had been. We made a last stop at a 2nd hand furniture/building material shop before heading off to see the Dr.  Praise the Lord, all is going well and daily Hubby's vision is clearing as the viscous debris clears from his eye, he could now read an extra line in the eye chart and he will go back again this week, the Dr mentioned that he might consider another injection at which I told him just how much pain it had caused, so we are praying for NO more injections.  Feeling very satisfied with ourselves we got back home after 2.30pm, all quite exhausted and just wanting to sit down and rest.  Hahaha ...... what a laugh!!! everyone carried something into the house and I went back out to help Hubby with the rest but he had closed the boot hmmm, I asked him where the rest of the packets and bags were, his reply " there is nothing more".  Would you believe that we still had to go back and look, behold the boot was empty.  As far as we can figure, on our stop at the 2nd hand store when Hubby locked the car, someone blocked the remote.  Whilst we were in the store 'they' selectively helped themselves to close to R2000 worth of food and things. 😡😖😡. Once the reality had set in and with it anger and the feeling of violation all we had been left with was boerewors, sugar, Carlton paper rolls, and cat sand ??????? They even stole my Gammon and Jelly Beans's cake.  AAARGGHHH.  By now it was after 3pm and I realized I needed to move fast, so I asked Hubby to stay and contact our insurance, also because we had left Charlie at home and on returning found he had moved a rock, got out to look for me and thankfully parked himself on our neighbours verandah in the shade to wait for me.  So, off JB and I sped off, this time to Hermanus which is marginally closer and did a complete 'Groundhog Day' thing in doing all four shops and repeating to the letter our morning shop.  I cannot even begin to tell you how angry I was, when there is a need I can come to an understanding, this was pure opportunism and greed because they went through selecting everything they wanted. It also just heightened JB's stress levels enormously.  We got home just after 6, well and truly exhausted and also to find that God had turned the situation around in that, in hearing what hadn't happened someone blessed us with double the amount of the shop, thank you Lord.  What the devil meant for harm and lack, God in His grace and mercy turned around.  🙏🏻
Friday was spent dealing with normal life, our emotions and also the Insurance.  Poppet and Princess flew down late Friday afternoon for a work function and were able to see BigBear and BabyBear both Friday and Saturday.  I must say here, all our congratulations go to Princess who was awarded  her Half Colours for athletics, sadly there was no Prize giving thanks to CoVid but just the fact the that she was able to accomplish that achievement during this crazy year is a major feat.  Well done my gorgeous Princess, you are so talented and we are all so proud of you.  
On Saturday evening Hubby and I were enjoying our last cup of tea for the day when I had a wee accident and managed to topple my very full mug of boiling hot black tea over my chest, tummy and legs 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️, talk about move quickly haha.  It was so sore that I couldn't say words just a groan,  in what felt like minutes but was probably much less, I had yanked my Tshirt off and then trid applying a cold cloth, but there was too much burn so opted to stand under a cold shower.  After praying I applied the best burn cream called Flamazine, and got my frozen bag of flour out of the deep freeze and sat with it on my chest.   When I woke yesterday everything looked amazingly better, a little tenderness, a few small blisters and slight redness on my chest, the rest of me is great.  
For a total change of pace and much longed for, yesterday we met the girls at their new house and they were able to see it for the first time, they absolutely love their new home and we are all counting down sleeps now, to their move and arrival, the 'Bears' move,  Big Guy's arrival and then CHRISTMAS DAY as a family.  After seeing the house we took them to Lourensford Wine Farm which has a night market on Friday's and day markets through the weekend, it was so special to see them and then get to share a meal and just catch up, that it more than made up for all the shenanigans of the past few days, I believe it would be accurate to say they both LOVED the market.  Charlie came with us and it was his first trip out in such surroundings, his new meds worked like a dream and he was such a well behaved little chap 🐩
So folks ......... all in all a good week, I'm working on the forgiveness aspect, rejoicing in Gods goodness to us all and feeling the Christmas vibe, I do believe the tree will go up this week. I am going to get going with all that needs doing domestically and wish you all a wonderful week.  Please stay safe and stay well, Ciao Ciao.
Jasper has become a fan of Scoobie Doo 🤣🤣

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