Monday 20 January 2020

Is it just me ??

Good morning all my faithful readers, friends and family, I hope you have a cup of tea or coffee because I am not sure where to even begin.  The next time I say that I am taking the week to rest don't hesitate to call me on it #facepalm, truly I am sure it cannot just be us whose lives are so crazy ?

Last week shortly after posting the Blog we had a little visitor in the form of a small Sugarbird, bless his dear if rather stupid heart.  He flew in and stayed inside for approximately four or five hours, getting stuck behind the blinds, flying into the ceiling, everywhere except the two open doorways (one is a triple folding door), I even closed all the curtains and blinds thinking he would see the open spaces clearer hmmmmm not a chance, never  mind that we were day one of an intense heatwave.  Eventually I felt so sorry for him that while watching him hanging on the light fitting I prayed under my breathe for God to show him the way out ..... well I hadn't even said amen and he looked at the door and flew straight out, THE quickest answer to prayer I have ever seen.  We then proceeded to close up the house, bring in the portable air conditioner which my dearest Hubby set up and plugged in (remember that point) and tried to find some semblance of comfort - an impossible challenge I can tell you.  Right up until Friday we fried our brains.  Now to back up a little, I did catch up on all my household chores and baking, did my nails etc so at least I  ticked off all my 'to do' boxes and the rest of the time we mostly read, it was really too hot to do anything else.

On Wednesday late afternoon I went into the caravan for something and as soon as I stepped in I smelt a really awful smell.  Hmmmm I looked all around and saw nothing, then my foot slid slightly and I looked down ................... there was this long line of 'muck'. Probably due to the fried brain cells I was a little slow in realizing what had happened, 30 seconds.  I opened the freezer of the fridge and OH DEAR ME the entire contents were as 'high'  as they could possibly be.  When Hubby plugged in the air conditioner on Monday somehow one of the wires of the plug for the fridge came loose and therefore was off for the full three days.  ðŸ˜±ðŸ¤¢.  It was with much gagging etc that I cleared it all out,  washed the fridge, freezer and the floor, it was so bad that we had to take the bag up to the dump immediately.  That was wednesday !!!!  There is still a faint pong and I have a sneaking suspicion we might have to lift one or two of the vinyl floor tiles - Hubby's job!!!

Friday dawned slightly cooler and with some light drizzle yaaaay, so for a change I went with my Hubby to do the grocery shopping and we nabbed a quick cup of coffee, by the time we got back I felt as if I hadn't rested in weeks.  Did the fun and games end there ?  Of course not why would they ?? 

When we moved down here we purchased two 'leather' recliner chairs which had sadly delaminated to the point that they were more curse than blessing and so for the last six months or so I have been looking online for a really long  2.5 m couch, preferably Coricraft as our other couches are from there.  I would either miss the good deals or they would be too expensive.  On Friday evening I saw an ad on FB and contacted the lady who said yes the sofa was available and we could collect it in the morning (so much for my planned lie in), there we were up bright and early , first stopping in the Strand to hire a trailer because the wind had picked up to gale force (everywhere in the Cape except in BB) and off we toddled.  Not the nicest area, and when we got there the couch was already wrapped in bubble wrap and waiting in the yard.  We looked and Hubby sat and declared it comfortable and so it was loaded onto the trailer and back we came.  We had driven 5 Kim's Hn we had to stop and take off the cushions because the wind had torn the bubble wrap to shreds.  By the time we got off the highway into Gordon's Bay Hubby looked and saw that the actual base cover was being lifted off, so another stop and we stripped that off and put it in the boot. From there we proceeded without further incident except the buffeting of the car and trailer.  Arrived home and it started to rain slightly so no time to sit and garner strength.  We immediately dis-assembled the recliners and moved them to the garage (flipping heavy).  Then ............. to get this massive couch off the trailer and into the house.  Hubby backed the trailer right up to the edge of the deck, Jelly Bean came to help and we started lifting, you can't drag it or the legs will break.  I could go into major detail but suffice to say that even using the lifter 'goodeymagaftie' which has wheels, it took a lot of sweat, manouvering, frustration and a long time for the three of us to get it into the house.  It was way dirtier than I had imagined so all covers came off immediately and I vacuumed and cleaned the base and cushions before covering it all with a throw.  Note to self, next time find extra hands and strength.  Whatever strength and energy I had built up just flew out the window, I pulled a couple of muscley things and am not a very happy camper at the moment.  The good news is I advertised the recliners yesterday and within two hours they were gone and paid for.  

From Saturday evening we went from heatwave to freezing cold and are still in the cold portion  - YAAAY.  We have had 49 mm of rain in 24 hours Praise the Lord.  But honestly who goes from sleeping with fans on and minimal clothes to winter pyjamas and freezing, you have got to love the Cape.  After putting the base cover and one cushion cover in the washing machine yesterday (I had a cleaning plan worked out) just now I tried to hang it on the line HAHAHA. I used every peg, wrestled with what felt like an out of control octopus on steroids, came inside and five minutes later it was flying in the wind. 🙄  The base cover  now draped all over the dining room BUT apart from two marks I got ALL  the dirt out and trust me it was BAD.

Well folks, your coffee is probably cold and I am needing heat and painkillers, so that's me for this week.  I appreciate you all and please stay safe.  Ciao ciao.

The view going into town on Saturday

It's not heavy it's my couch

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