Monday 25 November 2019

Trials, Tribulations and .... Eeeek a mouse !!!

Well, good morning world at the start of another beautiful week.  We have had the most wonderful weather so far, a couple of humid /hot days but nothing too unbearable which compared to last year is a major blessing. 

Oh my gosh what a week we had, I wonder what I have to do to have a quiet, uneventful week ?   On Monday we had the most delightful visit by friends /ex neighbors of ours from Johannesburg, it is always wonderful to spend a day catching up on news and friendships.  On Tuesdsy after our dishwasher deciding to give up on life over the weekend my dearest Hubby had to go into Somerset West for a plethora of tasks and 'to do's'.  As I started cleaning the house, I opened a kitchen drawer looking for a dishcloth and, saw a tiny little MOUSE scrambling to the back of the drawer .............. with a quiet oooh I closed the drawer, and then realized my mistake and took it out altogether somewhat cautiously. When I looked into the space there was a hole in the back of the board to allow an elctrical wire to run through, hmmmmm !!!!!!!! Wait, I have not one but TWO cats, so carefully removing the other three drawers, I grabbed Zeepha and shoved her into the space where she gladly went sniffing, right to the hole. Jasper in true brave spirit hid under the coffee table.  That started the ball rolling - I emptied every drawer, washed ALL the contents and repacked each one, there was a lot of 'mouse evidence' but no mouse.  Immediately after my "Oooh" Jelly Bean  sequestered herself in her bedroom and informed us in no uncertain terms that she as not coming out at all, she has an ensuite bathroom and would take her meals in the room.  Hahaha.  That didn't last too long as her curiosity and worry about where the mouse was got the better of her.   Once I got going I realized that there were these blasted holes here there and everywhere, so there was only one thing to do, empty every cupboard, clean it out, and put duct tape over every possible opening.  It took me ALL day.  We have not seen or heard of Mr Mouse again and Jelly Bean still stands far back when opening the drawers, she also still walks into the room with her eyes roving everywhere.   Need  I even say that I have paid the price physically since then ? Grrrrr, one of the worst things about Fibromyalgia is the frustration at not being who I was and not being capable of doing things I took for granted and did all my life.  Hubby got home late and in half an hour had the dishwasher purring away in our now spic and span kitchen.  He had a real busy week with trips out, coffee with his friend and a charity golf day on Friday, makes me envious.

There are SO many people who are going through incredibly hard times at the moment that it is like a tidal wave - one of my very dearest friends is recovering from a surgery to remove a cancerous breast lump and lymph glands and will be starting chemo and radiation soon, another friend's granddaughter about to write her finals at university, fell through a glass door, and in the Doctor's words "guillotined" her arm to the bone, before undergoing a four hour surgery.  Praise the Lord for giving her an  excellent surgeon who painstakingly reattached nerves, muscles, tendons and skin. By Thursday she had some movment in her fingers which is a miracle and we continue to pray for both of these beautiful woman for God's complete and perfect healing, His peace and strength to face the months ahead as He continues to heal them.  Other people I know are without work,  broken relationships and financial hardships just to name a few of the issues,  and the list just seems to keep growing.  There are many, many people hurting and feeling desperate, exhausted, lonely,  stretched beyond their limits - more than anyone person can help individually.  The only thing I can do is pray for each and every one that I am aware of, encourage them and more importantly LISTEN.  Something I have learnt this year is to listen, not to interrupt, not to give advice but, just listen, to be there for them.  The Bible tells us that God has given us the Holy Spirit to be our comforter -  
John 14 v 26  ESV.  Jesus said " But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all that I have said to you."  
John 14 v 16. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another helper, to be with you forever.  2 Corinthians 1 v 3,4. ESV.  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in ALL our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who enables Christian life by dwelling in individual believers and enables us to live a righteous and faithful life.  The Holy Spirit acts 
as our Comforter or Paraclete, one who intercedes, or supports or acts as an advocate, particularly in times of trial.  Folks this is the only way I know how to survive through the deepest valleys and tribulations, to totally rely on God and by asking the Holy Spirit to give wisdom, guidance, to show me what to do.   In closing I wish I could make all the bad disappear, I can't but, I can listen and pray.  I want to encourage each one of you this week to give God all your fears, cares and burdens and to ask Him who created this earth to show you the way through, to bring the right people into your life, to open doors before you, to give you wisdom and strength, healing and peace and to turn your trial into a testimony for His Glory.

Have a truly blessed week, with love and prayers  from me, go and be a blessing.

The joy of a sunset.

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