Monday 21 January 2019

Never to be repeated

Good morning friends and family, I trust you are all well and into the swing of the new year.
These last couple of weeks are definitely among those that I never wish to have to live through again, this year definitely got going with a blast.  At last on day fifteen the terrible wild fire which razed though our village and the neighboring mountains was declared out.  Teams were left in place to monitor any hot spots and Praise God there has been no more damage, although having said that the damage done is going to take a long time to heal and rebuild.  One of the most precious and amazing things to me is the miracle of nature, barely days after being completely obliterated there were tiny shoots of green and even flowers which have sprung up from the ashes.  On our first drive though the village my heart was so touched to see a very elderly couple whose house had withstood the fire, working in their driveway tending to their plants that had been scorched and burnt.  I know that the effects will be with many people for months and even years to come, but, I also know just how strong the human spirit is to survive and rebuild.

It was an exceptionally tough week for me healthwise as this virus on my skin just kept on spreading, despite seeing three doctors etc and trying every cream know to man (slight exaggeration) they then appeared on my face which was the last straw.  I  ended up going to see a Specialist Dermatologist on Thursday.  Because I have Fibromyalgia pain is something I live with every single day, but the pain caused by these blisters/sores has been on an entirely different level.  God bless this Dr who very kindly squeezed me in and,  after taking skin scrapings off various blisters he diagnosed me with Zoophilia Tinea Corporus - laymens terms a fungal virus I got from Zeepha who had live ringworm spores.  He got quite excited about the diagnosis and asked permission to take photographs for their files, as long as they keep my name out of it haha, he prescribed an anti fungal cream and a month long course of tablets due to the severity and aggressiveness. Zeepha is also on tablets to kill off any remaining spores. Thankfully my face is looking better now it is just a case of getting the others to dry up then I will not be contagious anymore.  Both Poppet and Princess came out in a couple of sores last week but were lucky enough to be able to the right medication immediately and are both on the mend.

Now to the source of all this drama - Zeepha, oh my word what a little angel she is,  as bright as a button, and she will play with anything and everything including her own shadow.  She has settled into the family so well and even Jasper has become very fatherly towards her.  Gemma of course just growls with disdain at everything and anything new.  Little Zeepha a.k.a. Squeek (because she doesn't meow she squeaks) however is completely unconcerned by this and just carries on with all her adventures.  She really is a tiny little thing and when I weighed her last week she was a whole 590gm  she is now almost 12 weeks old so you can imagine.  She adores lying in the sun and being on my lap, which sadly I haven't been able to do too much of yet, I cannot wait to get better and be able to give her all th cuddles she wants and deserves.  Her absolute favourite time of the day is at 21.00 when she gets a half an egg cup of kitten formula with a syringe - there is nothing wrong with her eating or drinking, but this little treat I don't see her giving up anytime soon.  She goes into total heaven as she sucks and the little paws cling to and knead my hand as she drinks, she actually gets quite frantic as the syringe empties, like a baby bird wanting food.  Talking about birds, since the fire we have seen  an increase in the amount of birds coming to feed and have now put out a one litre bottle which doesn't even last the day.  They have become so tame that when Hubby goes out to refill the bottle they will actually sit on his hand while he is busy with it.

Folks, that is more than enough of me rambling for this week, something to hold onto - No matter what life throws at you, no matter how bad, chaotic, heartbreaking or desperate things appear the very God that created you will NEVER leave you or FORSAKE YOU.  Deuteronomy 31 v 6.  I know that it can feel like you are all alone on an island but, God is right there giving you the strength and the wisdom to take one step after another, one hour at a time, one day at a time.    Stay safe and lean on your Heavenly Father.

Zeepha looking sleepy and cute.

The queue at our 'fly through' feeding station 

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