Monday 1 July 2024

Good morning on this first Monday in July.

 I am honestly trying to figure out how this year has flown by so fast it seems that every year that passes, appears to go faster than the year before.  Greeting folks from our Village that has still not seen winter arrive.  Oh ... we''ve had the odd day or even three or four but truly not winter.  I realised on Saturday that I have not worn my boots even once and my jacket only two or three times. 

Well June was a cracker of a month, so much happening, so much planned.  First of all was Princess's 21st Birthday - how on earth did we get there?  Sadly it was still during her Varsity term and so we could not celebrate with her on the day but, that did not deter us spoiling her.  Poppet flew up to spend the weekend with her.  She truly got to celebrate for almost the entire month. With a good family friend having a fancy dinner for her while Poppet was there, then her party with her friends, then another party down here with Poppet's friends and then extra smaller get together celebrations with the family.  We were also blessed out of our socks to have Princess and her Boyfriend spend two days with us last week.  My heart is full after having spent time with everyone in my family. How I wish we all lived closer.  We were also gearing up for our little Munchkin's Baby Shower and the Daddy Braai which ran concurrently.  What Big Bear did not know was that his brother Big Guy flew in for the event / weekend, as you can imagine many messages back and forth, secrets being kept etc.  Princess and her Boyfriend also flew in - oh my word it was so good to see and hold her again.  It is the longest time that I had not seen her. I had determined that I would finish all the sewing of sheets, receiver blankets and the blanket which I knitted before the shower, success. Although now I find myself at a bit of a loose end, so to that end this weekend I crocheted at little Octopus for baby to hold. Apparently the tentacles remind them of holding the umbilical cord.  It is the first time I have ever read a crochet pattern and truthfully it was not as difficult as I have always thought.  Currently Big Bear is in USA for a business trip and will be back at the end of the week, there are MANY prayers going up that our Munchkin stays exactly where it is until due date.

Apart from all the above excitement it was also time for all my annual check ups. MRI, CT Scan, Mammograms and Sonars.  That, whilst exhausting, went very well and I am happy to declare that I am cancer free and well.  Sadly that wasn't the only doctor dealings we had. Hubby is scheduled for a "small" back op on the 23rd of this month, which is going to put him out of action for some weeks. I also had to see the Dr because of ongoing knee pain for the last ten months.  Hmmm after x-rays I saw an Orthopedic Surgeon who said I need a knee replacement.  I have also made an appointment with the Surgeon who operated on Hubby and Princess for a second opinion, in about two weeks.  Either way it will not be immediate or even soon as I need Hubby to recover and Baby to arrive.

What would one of my Blogs be without some event / mishap / drama ?  Back in March when Jelly Bean had her birthday all of the ladies in the family went Clay Pottery Painting and then to a High Tea.  It has taken all this time to get our painted articles back, which Baby Bear did just before the Shower.  On our way home that night I had ours as well as Poppet's piece in the boot of Hubby's car.  Big Guy was with us and we arrived home after dark (it was a long day).  As I came up to the turnoff to our road I was concentrating on why the lights were on in an empty house and saw the speed bump just a second too late.  I was not speeding because I was about to turn but,  we hit the bump with a BUMP.  On unloading the car as I picked up the paper wrapped package I could feel, and hear, that one of the articles had broken.  Oh how I prayed that it was mine.  No such luck, I had broken Poppet's big pottery leaf bowl in three pieces.  I was absolutely devastated.  Hers was the biggest and the most expensive.  I could not rest and definitely could not sleep until I had confessed and told her.  Bless her heart, she was so understanding and really didn't sound upset, although I would have been.  I asked Hubby to glue it together and he did a superb job.  I gratefully handed it to her last week and thereby absolved myself of any further damage. I have said to her that I will take her Clay Painting again on me.

Well folks, as you can see, one incredibly busy month which seemed to run into itself.  I am hoping July will be less manic and decidedly more peaceful.  I have a good amount of work to get through, which is always a blessing and optimist that I am, I am still watching the horizon for winter :) 

I pray you all have a good July, please take care and stay safe.  Ciao, Ciao.

Charlie waiting for "the kids" to return to the table on our coffee date.


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